Wednesday, March 21, 2007

(Yr 3 Sem 2) Your exam results are...

"Your exam results are CL3106 A, CL3107P."

IT SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME THIS MORNING. But all's good :) I will be postin regularly from now on, since I'm going jobless in 9 days time.

The scent of freedom is wafting through the heavy atmosphere of confinement ...


Posted by melvin at 8:18 AM

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Continuing with Ping

I haven't been to my blog for so long that my chatterbox went down. And I only got to know of it recently. After finishing my attachment, I've decided to continue for a month with Ping to train the new boys who come (Wa, I am a lao jiao liao.) Speaking of jiaos, here's a joke about it. If you're taking a bath in the Army, and then you spot this guy looking at you as you bathe, you cannot say

"Oei, knn kua si mi lan?!"
(Oei, See what bird?!)

Because at that, he will reply

"Kua le eh lan lor."
(See your bird lor.)

And smile at you.

Posted by melvin at 12:47 PM