Friday, June 30, 2006
Exams just finished 1.5 hours ago. Basically what I did for the past one week can be summarised in 10 simple steps, starting from Sunday afternoon.
Common Test Workflow1. Start studying in the afternoon(and fail to do so)
2. Try to study in the evening(and fail to do so)
3. Study at night(and run out whenever there is a goal or commentator gets excited.)
4. Sleep in the wee hours of the morning(but keep waking up because of weird sentences eg: "BIAS IS CLINICAL TRIAL'S GREATEST ENEMY!"
5. Struggle to wake up.
6. Zombie to school while struggling to retain all information crammed the night before.
7. Take the paper.
8. Eat, cram in school for next paper.
9. Take second paper.
10. Go home, nap.
Repeat steps 1-10 for 5 days.
Note: Steps 8, 9 are done only when required.
Adverse Side Effects:
1. Sleepiness
2. Headaches
3. Bouts of insane outbursts(applicable to before, during and after paper)
4. Erectile Dysfunction(not suggested by me. Haha.)
Finally can watch World Cup in peace. Hell, I don't want to waste my money paying 30 bucks and watching like a handful of matches. Just in case you missed the full Adidas commercial,
Equipo(Part 1)
Partido(Part 2)
And as an added bonus, this is probably how the commentors look like when they are commenting for their own team.
Posted by melvin at 4:16 PM
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Ooo. Guess there isn't much time left to study. Less than 24 hours before the first paper and I haven't finished studying.
Posted by melvin at 10:27 AM
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Dead post
It's official. My blog is now

Maybe cause I've been busy watching 20 men trying to chase and kick a ball past the remaining 2 men who have the job of guarding metal poles with a net behind. Maybe cause theres like 209925820308265 people watching that too, at the same time.
Kaka scores a goal for Brazil.As much as I enjoy watching the current World Cup, maybe a lot more people would be watching if it was something like this
^^Now wouldn't that be a sight? Haha.
Now feast your eyes on this
It's even got babies!Then there was this video clip sent to me by a friend, which had some Ah Lians assaulting a girl. Amusing at first, but later on when the kicking and stomping began, it seemed pretty painful. So totally disgusting. Malicious. And filming down acts seem to be the trend now a days. Maybe they should join schools which do film making. Haha.
Speaking of which, I found this on the Net and edited it

So this ends my totally random post. Exams are in 4 days time. Hope I'll have more interesting things to blog about after that.
Posted by melvin at 9:30 PM
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Yes I know. My blog is rotting away. Holidays don't seem like much now that exams are round the corner. 8 modules is something else altogether, and with a presentation coming up, it's bound to get worse.
Well, how much worse can it be without SCV?
Posted by melvin at 10:43 PM
Monday, June 05, 2006
Filler too
Haven't been updating due to lack of activities in my life. So maybe during holidays there will be more posts to come. =D
Posted by melvin at 10:23 PM