Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Bioinformatics paper today. And to quote someones's words(sorry I forgot who),
"They just put a bio- infront and it's associated with our course."
Exactly. But enough about exams. Let's focus on the stuff after the exams. You see, today is our resident organ's birthday!
DICK turns 19 today! HAHAHAHHA!
(actually we're just looking for an excuse to go out and destress. This is the perfect opportunity? Besides, we get to celebrate his birthday.)So, after leaving the exam hall early, we went to have a seat at the North Canteen. This is where the fun starts. Antony bought a bowl of noodles(Ban Mian(板面) I think), then we told him that we're going to eat and celebrate Dick's birthday. I only knew when he came back with noodles.
So, Ah Chen started to kajiao him(HAHAHAHAHA~!) about buying the noodles. Then Kahkiat said the magic sentence,
"Go ask the auntie if can Dao Pao la"
And Antony did. HAHAHAH! Then we asked him to finish it because Keith wasn't out yet. Then while printing some notes out, he took some bites. HAHAHAAHAH! Then Keith arrived and we all set of for DIN TAI FUNG(鼎太丰).
After getting ourselves seated, the usual crap started. Lunch was on us for Dick, so we ordered some Xiao Long Bao 小笼包(Small Dragon Bun).

No, he's not a 小笼包. He's the birthday boy. Haha.
Keith's food.
My food.
The 小笼包 are really not bad. I find them quite savoury when dipped in Vinegar. After
downing drinking some more tea and eating our fill, we left for some walking around Junction 8.
The bill.Quick, the boyband is coming! Meet M8!
We specialise in all things, M.We wanted to get Dick a present, so we dropped by Seiyu.
Ah Pek shirt! Maybe Saz would approve. Dick apparently doesn't.
The lady in the red pants? She's not really there...After him rejecting us to buying everything ranging from underwear to shirts,
we I decided to do something more memorable.
Dick was a virgin.
Now, he isn't.
With respect to Neoprints of course(what
were you thinking?)
Hehehehe...Pop Quiz: What do you get when you throw 8 randy, crazy guys and a Neoprint machine together?
Ans: Take a look at it yourself.
I give up, I'm laughing too hard.
So, he lost is Neoprint virginity... To us. Wahahaaha.
After that, fatigue finally caught up with us. But not before we missed this.
Hmmm... Imagine being suspended from THAT area.
Hahahaha. Oh yeah, saw this at Habour Front over the weekend.
Ouch. Thats gotta hurt.
Stuck through the body. How creative.
Makes your pocket hurt too. SDG$128.00So to wrap up this post, I'd like to wish DICK YEO(even though I know he won't read this) a very Happy and De(Neoprint)-Virgined 19th Birthday. Haha.
Posted by melvin at 10:39 PM
Friday, February 24, 2006
Guess what!
I got bored!

This is how bored I am.And Nicole was caught eating in *gasp* the library!
Okay, purposely snapped this pic cause she's in mid talk. LOL.
Pose V :D V
Aloe Vera. Processed. No aloe vera that's processed has nutrients. Period. Now, can anyone tell me what's so special about this pic?

Don't scroll down yet!
Saw it?
The Twist.We all need to destress once in a while.
Posted by melvin at 10:35 PM
Thursday, February 23, 2006
If I were a month I would be: october
If I were a day of the week I would be: friday
If I were a time of day I would be: 5am
If I were a planet I would be: Earth
If I were a sea animal I would be: shark
If I were a direction I would be: right
If I were a piece of furniture I would be: computer table
If I were a sin I would be: this is a tough one. Lust? HAHA. more like gluttony or sloth
If I were a historical figure I would be: Qin dynasty ruler
If I were a liquid I would be: viscous. HAHA
If I were a stone, I would be: The Rock
If I were a tree, I would be: those huge old ones that ppl usually drive into when they're drunk
If I were a bird, I would be: crow? haha.
If I were a tool, I would be: screwdriver?
If I were a flower/plant, I would be: rose
If I were a kind of weather, I would be: cloudy. just nice for basketball
If I were a mythical creature, I would be: dragon
If I were a musical instrument, I would be: piano. keys of the heart. haha
If I were an animal, I would be: human duh.
If I were a colour, I would be: orange. bright.
If I were an emotion, I would be: anger. haha
If I were a vegetable, I would be: eee. I don't like. Erm... Carrot?
If I were a sound, I would be: a car horn! Haha!
If I were an element, I would be: Water.
If I were a car, I would be: tough one. WRX or EVO? EVO!
If I were a song, I would be: some love/rock song
If I were a movie, I would be directed by: matrix. haha!
If I were a book, I would be written by: a guy who finds almost everything funny in a sad world
If I were a food, I would be: fried chicken?
If I were a place, I would be: erm. basketball court with a shopping centre jus beside?
If I were a material, I would be: NIKE sphere technology
If I were a taste, I would be: tasty. HAHA
If I were a scent, I would be: Hugo Energize. on 2nd thought, maybe the smell that you want to smell.
If I were a religion, I would be: erm, none?
If I were a word, I would be: FUCK. AHAHHAHAHAAAHA~!
If I were an object, I would be: computer.
If I were a body part I would be: Eyes.
If I were a facial expression I would be: maniac smile
If I were a subject in school I would be: english.
If I were a country, I would be: japan
If I were a cartoon character I would be: that samurai X guy
If I were a shape I would be a: diamond. cause I want to be a girl's best friend. HAHA
If I were a number I would be: 8. TEAMO NUMBER 8!
Posted by melvin at 10:57 PM
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
As always, I'm simply distracting myself from studying.
http://kevan.org/johari?name=flemmelfTry it. =)
Posted by melvin at 12:18 PM
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Last of day school just over. In the past(primary and secondary), the last day of school meant holidays. InPoly, it means the same thing. Two months of holiday.
"Wa! Two months ah? So long man."But wait, there's a catch(there ALWAYS is).
That two month holiday includes *gasp* EXAMS. Bloody, freaking exams. That's the sad reality of it. Speaking of reality, I just found out the immense power of Peer Pressure.
Take this scenario that just happened a few days ago for instance.
Antony buys some Wanton Noodles. Mingfui, Alwyn and I bought bread(pathetic) to munch on. The rest not eating anything. He digs in, and we can hear every sinful, sickening sound he makes when he sucks up the noodles.
Wa lau Antony. You know you eat like that make me want to eat also.Mingfui and Me:
Yeah la!Antony:
Bo bian. I very hungry then buy one.So Mingfui, Alwyn and Me went to buy. And in the end, EVERYONE got a bowl of noodles infront of them.
Hows THAT for Peer Pressure?Totally laughable. This is an excellent marketing scheme by the way. With one bowl of noodles, spawns six others. The auntie at the Noodles Stall must be happy.
Speaking of which, the latest scandal in NYP has caused quite a stir among the students(literally. Mostly guys getting 'stirred' up. Haha.) which prompted me to generate this list. Due to lack of brain juice, I could only come up with five.
Top 7 places NOT to keep your self made porn flicks
7. In the school computer(Duh.)
6. Thumbdrive together with your presenation(You:
Our presenation is about *shows video* NO! AHHHHH!)
5. Desktop of your computer, renamed to "Funny clip" (Dad:
I'm bored. Let's take a look at this.)
4. Desktop of your computer, NOT renamed (Dad:
Me and *fill in blank*?)
3. In your bag(Sure to drop out when you're being checked for bringing a handphone to school)
2. Your partner's handphone(Especially if it contains someone else. And would you be dumb enough?)
1. Your handphone(Which can be easily stolen by a rival and uploaded and sent to everyone in the school.)
Ideas contributed by Charlene, Elvis and Sihua.And on the way to AMK, we saw this
Wa. Si beh shiok leh. Wish we could all be like that.
Posted by melvin at 11:28 PM
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
You know, with Valentine's Day just over, you'd wonder what's coming up next right?
Good Friday?(This is really random)
aka Holidays, with time for relaxation and enjoyment?
Not really.
The best Valentines gift recieved was 2 tests within an hour of each other. Ain't that fun?
Rewind back to yesterday
They tried the student meal at Naked Fish(Grassroots club)
Demonstration on how to(simultaneously!) drink from two glasses.
Check out the level-ness of the medium
She really is a water tank. Look so happy drinking 'orleng' juice.Wish everyone could do the same. Haha. Then there wouldn't be water retention problems =)Then, to distract myself from all the food, I took this
Everyone in the class got 1 too. Haha.Fast forward one day. Post Valentine's Day
Nicole with some *gasp*
poor common people's food!
And she actually ATE it. Haha
Guess sometimes it's nice get back to basics. Haha.
Posted by melvin at 10:55 PM
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
I got bored. Again.
Not for the colourblind.
What contrast! Haha.
The top advertisement was sponsored by
courtesy of Xixi.
Bet KK would want to play this
Well, if it was a CHIO BU fly beside me I wouldn't mind... that much?
Our resident Hamster with erm... her distant cousin?
This human was killed by the Ebola Virus.
I'm dead! Ahhhh!
Omg! The Kat is eating the Mouse!
Yummy~ I nibble on my hamsters at home too =)
Posted by melvin at 7:46 PM
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Exams are coming so not much blogging. Maybe when holiday comes I'll take more pics and make this desolate blog more lively. Who knows, I might even get famous.
It's time I opened my mind.
Posted by melvin at 11:45 PM
Monday, February 06, 2006
Restrictions restrictions.
"Don't dye your hair again."
"Cut your hair."
"Don't buy baggy jeans."
Well, with all due respect,
"Fuck you."Would you like me to cut off your dick for you?
Posted by melvin at 6:55 PM
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Got bored so decided to post this picture
FYI: It cost SGD$6.50 and is meant to be used as a novelty item only. Use at your own risk.Feeling even more bored, I took to cropping my own face out of that pic.

A sudden sense of deja vu hit me. Searching through my computer again, I found this.
Same angle, same smile. Haha
Could this be the same person?
Yes. My testimony. Haha.
Yeah, Life's a bitch.
Posted by melvin at 9:44 PM
Saturday, February 04, 2006
It's bad being immuno-compromised during CNY. Everything's piling up again. Isn't life fun?
Posted by melvin at 6:41 PM