Thursday, December 29, 2005
It's that time of the year again, with resolutions flying about, being made, re-made and revving up for the Countdown. Guess what? Ushering in the new year ain't just about partying, booze or even new year resolutions(how many are fulfilled anyway? =X). It's a time to reflect on the past year in order to make the new year more meaningful. It's the time to make improvements. Maybe not to sleep so much during lectures. Get at least a 3 for my GPA. Improve my mediocre Pool skills. Get fit(ter). And erm... Maybe net myself a companion. This probably won't be published cause it's pure crap. HAHA. Besides, this year came to an end way to fast(poly semesters does that to you) and there's not much time left. So I'll cherish what I have before I finally leave this school. And do my NS.
So far away... I can't reach that far.
Posted by melvin at 11:35 AM
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Xmas to everyone! Fucking bacteria in my body having Christmas Party also. Seems like everytime I go to Stella's house, I have to fall sick first. -_-" What a curse.
GET OUT GET OUT! IgG and IgM, I choose you~!
Posted by melvin at 10:10 PM
Friday, December 23, 2005
New house, new surroundings. New neighbours. Lots of boxes that share my
busty dusty bed. Still haven't got any sleep from last night due to work and packing. What a swell life =D Will be gone again for tomorrow most likely and the next week due to major unpacking and
What? Don't you believe me? *innocent face*
Posted by melvin at 10:43 PM
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
In tune with the festive season, this blog has done a small revamp, even though the colour combination sucks totally, they are the official colours of Christmas. I think. Haha. Will shift house in 2 days time. Cannot really say I'm happy to leave(partially due to the fact that the flat size is being downgraded). But also the Sunday Teamo Bball Matches, late nights at Mac, everyone being around 10mins away, etc. Oh well, at least I'll be closer to town? -_-"
Reminder to self: Don't get your hopes up this Christmas.
Posted by melvin at 11:24 PM
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
(I suppose it's just an elaboration on the wishlist at the side. This list is ranked according to importance.)
1. A girlfriend
Description: I don't think this is necessary. HAHA
2. Jeans(Although I don't see how anyone can buy this for me. HAHA.)
Description: Depends on cutting. Levis preferred. Solid colour.
3. Tshirts
Description: Shirts with nice graffitti. Far East is a good place to start. Haha.
4. Hand accessories
Description: Beads, wooden stuff. Stuff thats cool. Haha.
5. iPod rubber cover + iPod socks
Description: In preperation for my iPod video. Haha!
6. Brown Pants
Description: Damn nice looking pair of pants frm Soul'd Out at Edge. SGD$60.00 though.
7. iPod
Description: 30gb. Sleek. Sexy. What more can I say? Haha. Looks great in both colours.
8. Long sleeved shirts
Descprition: Long sleeved shirts from Topman rock. Those with different types of stiching and pattern. Haha.
9. Playstation Portable(PSP)
Description: Good graphics, games and portability. Comes in white too. =D
10. PS3/Xbox 360
Description: The 2 next generation consoles. Who won't want them?
Basically, everything is not really affordable. HAHA. That's why its on the Wishlist.
Santa, I sure hope you make Sony stuff up there at... at... wherever you live.
Posted by melvin at 9:06 PM
Monday, December 12, 2005
Craig David
Don't Love You No More(I'm Sorry)
And the story goes...
For all the years that I've known you baby
I can't figure out the reason why lately you've been acting so cold
(didn't you say)
If there's a problem we should work it out
So why you giving me the cold shoulder now
Like you don't even wanna talk to me girl
(tell me)
Ok I know I was late again
I made you mad and then it's throwing the pan
But why are you making this drag on so long
(i wanna know)
I'm sick and tired of this silly games
(silly games)
Don't figure that I'm the only one here to blame
It's not me here who's been going round slamming doors
That's when you turned and said to me
I don't care babe who's right or wrong
I just don't love you no more.
Rain outside my window pouring down
What now, your gone, my fault, I'm sorry
Feeling like a fool cause I let you down
Now it's, too late, to turn it around
I'm sorry for the tears I made you cry
I guess this time it really is goodbye
You made it clear when you said
I just don't love you no more
I know that I made a few mistakes
But never thought that things would turn out this way
Cause I'm missing something now that your gone
(I see it all so clearly)
Me at the door with you inner state
(inner state)
Giving my reasons but as you look away
I can see a tear roll down your face
That's when you turned and said to me
I don't care babe who's right or wrong
I just don't love you no more.
Rain outside my window pouring down
What now, your gone, my fault, I'm sorry
Feeling like a fool cause I let you down
Now it's, too late, to turn it around
I'm sorry for the tears I made you cry
I guess this time it really is goodbye
You made it clear when you said
I just don't love you no more
Don't say those words it's so hard
They turn my whole world upside down
Girl you caught me completely off guard
On the night you said to me
I just don't love you more.
Rain outside my window pouring down
What now, your gone, my fault, I'm sorry
Feeling like a fool cause I let you down
Now it's, too late, to turn it around
I'm sorry for the tears I made you cry
I guess this time it really is goodbye
You made it clear when you said
I just don't love you no more
Wishlist on Wed! Haha.
Posted by melvin at 6:28 PM
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
This is another combined post because I'm really really lazy.
Lamborghini in Orchard

Someone's got their EYE on me!Then we saw this cute
Angmoh(Caucasian) girl walking around outside Ngee Ann City. Everyone simply became babies in her presence. Some even picked her up and took photos with her.
Here's one where she was interacting with another boy. Looks like a picture worthy of being on those typical Hallmark/Forever Friends type of card
Don't you think this looks pretty innocent?
Debbie was a bit too late in taking photo with the kid. You can see her mother just grabbing her away. So sad.
Candid shot of her laughing. Looks like some doll also right?But she ain't sad. Haha.
There's this new, fat/lazy fish in the tank at Wisma.

Yo momma so fat, that when she got stuck in the coral, they had to pump all the water out of her to get her out. -_-" Lame I know.
Tired of those fantastic boobs going across the tv screen? Jaded from all those people saying how well their bustline is going? Well, look no more cause with SCL's AirBoob, you can control you're own bustline on a daily basis! Here's what our model has to say.

He's so happy, he can't even talk!
So get yours today, please call 1800-BOOBJOB to make an appointment.
There's a special limited offer now, when you purchase 6 sets of AirBoobs, we will spice up your(what else?) TOILET! Because we know and recognise that even though you don't spend a very long time in there(although some people do), it's still important to make that time as enjoyable as possible. In conjuction with the upcoming festive season(Christmas, New Year, CNY, etc), we have come up with some ideas for quick redecorating(Like you would spend your time in there on these days)
A single tapestry, done quite naturally blending with harmony into the surrounding. This improves the fengshui for building up pressure for the release.

Now ain't that great? The showroom is at Block S. Feel free to drop in anytime.
Haha. 17 years old and still play with toilet paper. Like can people get a life?
My brother
That strand of hair was done by my sis.Tissue dispenser
Oral? =XRadioactive pizza!
Eat and you will have powers of a pizza! Shooting cheese from wrist, pizza on the chest and most importantly, give people pleasure. In terms of taste. I know what you're thinking.
FACT: About 200ml of Vitamilk is wasted everytime we go to AMK and toast. Cheers!Christmas wish list going to be out next week. =D This is to aid those who are getting me presents. HAHA!
Posted by melvin at 9:18 PM
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Finally I have moved my fat, lazy fingers to start typing this post, about 7 days late.
A picture post summarizing the past week
This is what we do during Practicals. Seriously.
Monkey grooming session. Haha.We cultured this E.coli which was genetically modified to produce
Green Fluorescent Protein(GFP) in a lab scale fermenter.
GFP glows
green(duh) under UV light. Looks pretty nice... If you're not the person doing the experiment.
The cells are glowing green here.
The cells are lysed(destroyed) and protein is now in the surrounding liquid.After the protein is in the surrounding liquid, we have to purify it. Which involves the use of Liquid nitrogen.(read: freaking cool)
Liquid nitrogen never fails to inspire awe in the people around.
At one point in time, the rapid heating and cooling process cracked the tube which I was holding. Freaked me out cause there was a possibility(no matter how slight) that the E.coli would burst out of the tube, shoot down my nasal cavity, enter my intestines and cause uncontrollable diarrhea.
Enough of lab shit.
Taka Basement Christmas Toys Exhibition
Now what exactly are they doing?
She was (supposed to be) "dancing" along to the song. But I was too late to catch her swinging her hands wildly in what she called "dancing"
Zyun has a fetish for white, furry animals. Cause she is the polar opposite. Look at how she is dominating the poor animal(SM tendencies).
This is for my tudi. Haha.Okay, so we wandered around for a bit, looking at toys for today's children. And then we spotted THIS.

But something else caught our eye.
It reads "Try me! Squeeze chest to hear King Kong ROAR!"Squeeze chest? SQUEEZE CHEST?!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA~ By squeeze you mean like this?

or like this?

HAHAHAHAHAH~ Kinda makes you think of how much King Kong and Women have in common. Like when you squeeze their chest, they will roar too! =X
Check out this Elmo-in-a-Cookie Monster

Cookie monster makes his appearance
Check out Cookie monster's saggy butt! Ha!
C is for cookie!
Cannot really believe it, but Zyun looks pretty good in this picture(when like 90% of her face is covered).
And here she is, trying to act spastic. No wait, she doesn't have to act.
WARNING: The next two pictures are slightly of erotic/sexual nature. If you are not mature enough to handle it(regardless of age, gender and sexual preference), please skip this section.
Me and my Big Bird.

Ahahahaha. In the spirit of the IPPT coming up, Santa shows us the right way of doing things.

The right way to unwind and... release too
Santa humping the cage.And Char was so pissed with Santa that she straight away used her hand and

So, the moral of the story is,
"Never hump a cage infront of a girl. Cause she will get insulted that you're humping the cage instead of her."AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~
Posted by melvin at 9:56 AM