Monday, October 31, 2005
Going away from 1st to 4th Nov. Anything just send a message and I'll check it when I get back.
Posted by melvin at 9:51 AM
Friday, October 28, 2005
Been playing this really old game Diablo II LOD the past few days. Effective in keeping my costs low(except for the electricity bill) and saving money. Haha. And hacks make the game so much more fun.
Posted by melvin at 9:53 AM
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Here's something to distract you with.
Good luck to those taking their Os and As.
Posted by melvin at 12:08 PM
Sunday, October 23, 2005
For those of you who still don't know, this blog is pretty famous and was featured in the papers.
Warning: Rated NC16 for strong language and sexual references. But what the heck, all those underaged people don't even care right?
Talk RockCheck out his latest blog on the Elections. Good material is what I'm saying.
Posted by melvin at 4:07 PM
Friday, October 21, 2005
Took some really weird pictures. You might say
"Again? What's new?"The new part is, well, Alwyn isn't the main model today. Haha.
But let's start with the normal pictures first shall we?

Shu hua(the one looking away from the camera) suggested instant noodle dinner.(Then later complain hungry, haha. Always like that.) Don't know why she was looking away also, must be attitude problem(Don't be like that leh, we are not SUN.)
Instant noodle spokespersons
Me: "Huh? Wha-? Oei why you take my picture~?!"
Shuhua: "I love eating instant noodles. Haven't eaten like this for a long time. The feeling is like being a beggar."
Everyone else: *ROFLMAO*
Alwyn: ". . ." *shovels noodles into mouth*
Zhihui: "See what see?"
The rest of us: *quickly turns back to our noodles, minding our own business*
Then the picture taking session. I shall not talk much here.

Only one comment here: "Everyone like same height eh?" =D 

Alright. This is a weird picture(idea courtesy of Alwyn).
Okay, the next part is a tribute to our super friendly(he really is) high class Ah Beng, Darryl.
One day, there was a beggar. In a nice jacket. Cause it was raining and it was cold. And when one is cold, how can one beg properly? Right?
Note the dustbin. Poor guy.Two Ah Lians spotted him while walking past.
Ah Lian 1: "This beggar! Lao Tiko! Dare to look at our butts?!"
Beggar: "I was looking at the tag! Honest!"Ah Lian 2: "Hoot argh!"Without warning, they launched their attack on the totally unsuspecting, oblivious and nice jacketed beggar.

Then one of the Ah Lians took out

And threw it at the Beggar.

And they left the scene of the crime. The Beggar quickly scooped up the money and was damn happy(albeit a bit bruised).

But his happiness was short lived(as it always is), because some theif pushed the Beggar down

And took his money!
Wa lau, take his money bad enough but still want to assault him! Poor Beggar.
Hahaha. Even the Beggar said K N N.
More pictures

Has a little Black Eyed Peas edge to it, doesn't it?Then we went back to Parco
What's Chicken Little looking at?
Alright. I admit this picture looks a bit stupid. Haha.
Chicken Little Package One.

But at the end, Alwyn nearly got eaten up by some weird girl.

So that wraps up our trip to Bugis. But here's a question for you:
"Can you spot something weird/extra/out of place in those pictures after the final Beggar picture where all four people were present? If you can, well, you get the dubious honour of being the 'Most Observant Person' around! Well, happy hunting!"This sounds a bit like Photohunt(you know, that game where you dump a dollar in and you need to find the differences between the pictures). Oh well, this one's free anyway =D
PS: Forgive my poor speech bubbles. My Photoshop is really old and it doesn't have the tools for drawing nice speech bubbles. I apologise for any inconvenience caused. Also, this post was written when I was
horny delirious so please forgive me if I offend anyone.
Posted by melvin at 11:02 AM
Thursday, October 20, 2005
It's finally over. No more walking around, asking weird/ignorant/simply uncooperative shop owners
"Excuse me, do you sell prepaid cards?"
Then they happily take it out when you say
"No no, we're temporary staff from (Company here) and we're just doing this survey."
Suddenly at the mention of (Company here) and survey together, suspicion shoots through the roof and they narrow their eyes.
"(Company name)? *looks at us* Where's your ID?"K N N *Kicks* No ID la!
HAHAHAAHAHAHAH~ Inside joke for those who know. With that question, the leader told us to forget it and get out of the shop.
What the hell. (Company here) didn't even give any shirts, tags or at least a paper with the company logo. How you expect them to believe us?
A bunch of punks, maybe from a survey company.
Well, sorry but the company is so fucking disorganised(no shirt, tag or paper with logo). The leaders are, well, since the upper echelon of the company is so lost already, how can we expect them to be more organised?
A little misunderstanding resulted in us being late on monday. Some xia lan leader come and attitude with us. A bit childish. But what to do? We are lowly temp staff, too lazy to argue further, just shut up and zone out. Plus nod periodically.
Haha. I'm just glad to be out. Never thought I'd be happy to see the day when I finish a job. Cause no job means no money. Heck it, I'm going to enjoy from now on. Unless a slack job comes along.
Posted by melvin at 9:25 AM
Monday, October 17, 2005
Hey guess what? Today we got a new map. And it was in Woodlands. You might say
"Woodlands? Isn't that near your house?"Sure, woodlands is. But the map showed a little bit of the Johor Straits too. It was the goddamn SENOKO INDUSTRIAL PARK.
kaninabehchaocheebye!What difference would it have made if it was Bukit Panjang(another god forsaken place)? Senoko has mama shops/provision shops that sell prepaid cards? Fuck. I blew it off today and went to town to meet up with the other people in the section for some slacking. Walking around Orchard sure beats walking around in Senoko.
I'd bet my ass on that. I'll settle Senoko tomorrow.
Posted by melvin at 8:01 PM
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Crap. Tomorrow I shall have a new map and location to comb. I shall ask for just the following:
- Please give me strength to pass the next two days on my feet.
- Please give me the thickness of skin to brave those totally PMS-fied store owners who will never cooperate unless the Gahmen makes it a law with a heavy fine.
- Please give me a small map(duh).
- Please let there be a lot of stores, so as to make it look like we did much.
- Please let the weather be cloudy.
- Please not let it rain.
- Please let the people be cooperative.
And finally,
Please let there be happiness and sunshine for all. Who the hell am I kidding?
Posted by melvin at 9:32 PM
Friday, October 14, 2005
This post will be puncuated with vulgarities, so if you can't take it, please ignore. Or simply close it. I don't care. I'm to tired to care. Let me state why I am in such a pissed state.
On Thursday I recieved a call at around 10am from the job agency(for purposes solely to protect my ass, they shall not be named. But as clues, the company name has only 3 letters and no vowels.) The lady on the end asked if I was still looking for a job.
Take note: It's bloody 10am. I am groggy.I replied affirmative, and asked about job scope. She said it was something to do with a certian phone company. A well known phone company in Singapore. Well, I thought, respectable. Should be okay. Won't get cheated. Like fuck I was wrong. The job details were all fuzzy, cause she didn't know squat too. Something along the lines of "roadshow promoters, selling internet things" She even asked about my past job(doing PDAs for Hewlette Packard). I thought
"Should be an okay job."Was dead wrong. Fucking. Wrong. Let's not get unfocused, yet. So we reported the next day at 10am Paya Lebar, some weird building. Then came the briefing.
Here's the bomb. No we weren't doing roadshows. Right now 90% of the people in there(mostly Poly students) were looking around and asking themselves,
"Weren't we told this was some roadshow for (Well known company)?"Well, you're damn right you are. You're going to do a lan jiao road show, complete with map and paper. The fucking job was to cover the area on the map(1 map = 1 page of the Singapore Street Directory) and ask any Mama shop, provision shop, money changer or any shop that sold any prepaid cards(local as well as international).
Fair enough, given roughly 8 hours everyday(8.8 to be exact) and total 44 hours in 5 days to complete. Then we were given the map. I got paired up with someone else to do Bukit Panjang. Looking at the map, it looked pretty okay. Quite confident of covering in time(1 day, to leave the weekend for slacking before submitting my report on monday for 50%) So we left for the area. Had a long drawn lunch, before reaching. We weren't given t-shirts. No lan jiao ID. Not even a paper bearing the company logo. Just a stack of papers.
Kanninabehchaocheebye!You think every easy to do this ah? Not a scrap of evidence, people giving you the chee bye eye. Kanina, some more must walk like a fuck far distance for the map. It fucking looks small down there. But noooo~, it's fucking far! Half the time I was asking myself,
"Simi lan jiao job lai de! Fucking idiotic!"
If you want to know the company, well, you know how to reach me. Just don't get pian by the rate(SGD$6.50/hour. It's little to me. For the fuck lan jiao shit that I'm doing). Don't trust that agency! FUCK.
Posted by melvin at 8:47 PM
Wednesday, October 12, 2005

It's on everyone's lips.

The ultra small, sleek and chic mp3 player called iPod nano. Just like Leonard said,
"It's just the thing to shut Creative supporters up."Yes. In
a sense all senses, it did.
This tiny gadget tipped the scales at 1.5 ounces with dimensions of 3.5 x 1.6 x 0.27 inches. It comes in 2 versions(2gb and 4gb). In 2
droolalicious, ooolala-ed colours.

It's as thin as a pencil. Who wouldn't like an mp3 player
that thin? It makes my Zen Micro look
FAT just standing beside it. And
I my Zen Micro don't like being fat.

The sheer thinness!


One last, lingering look

My Zen Micro(4gb, Black) is barely a few months old. What's the solution for this problem?
Buy it.
And sell the old.
Any takers? It's still in good condition due to my strict discipline in keeping IT gadgets safe and secure. Preferably starting from SGD$200.00 but price, as always, is negotiable. Contact me via
email if you're interested.
Can anything get any smaller/thinner than this? Apparently so.
Check out
this site and you'll see why.
P.S: For more information on the iPod nano, please
click here.
All pictures courtesy of Apple, and any resemblence to characters/objects/events living or dead is purely due to the desire for an iPod nano.
1000 songs. Impossibly small. iPod nano.
On the other hand
1 song. Ridiculously small. iPod flea.
Posted by melvin at 4:18 PM
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
This is mainly a photolog to cover the past few days. So just sit back, relax, and erm, laugh along.
Wednesday 05.10.05

Now, what does that look like? Care to fathom a guess?
Let's take a closer look

Bras going from SGD$1.00? Can this be true? As suggested by the *cough*ch*cough*io *cough*bu*cough* Cel, I should buy them for my female friends as presents. And the auntie will ask
"Eh boi! Yew wan to buy izzit? Wat size arh?"
Then in response, I shall cup my hand and reply
"Auntie, when I grab, it's about this big. So you tell me what size I should buy."Okay. That was concocted by the both of us(kind of makes you wonder what we always talk about eh?)
Oh yeah, here's a picture of me. When I was 7. Or 8. I can't really remember. Since I'm making a new passport, I'll have to say good bye to the old. And I know by placing it here, I am subjecting myself to a hell lot of pain, torture, and teasing. But it's for the fun of it.

Check out those 70s glasses! The hair! The good ole` days...
Thursday 6.10.05
Got called up for in the morning for work at
Tampenis TampINES Oops. Damn, I always make that mistake. Wonder why. Goddamn boring job. Let me ask, how interesting can separating and stapling thousands of sheets of paper be interesting? Plus as a bonus, you have to keep them in running number, stack them in groups of 10 and count and re-count everything for about, say, 2-3 times. Just kidding, it was more to about 5-6 times per stack.
The people in charge must have had a taste of what it was like to be a celebrity.
"XXXXX! Please sign!"or
"XXXXXX! I finished already! Please sign!"Every check requires a signature. I know security is an issue but after awhile it gets to be a pain in the ass. But you do what you have to do.

Hmmm. A not-too-flattering pose of Linus and the vending machine. I apologise, but as you can see, the main focus is not on him but the vending machine. Notice anything different?
No? Then guess how much these cost.

Actually, the answer is below

SGD$0.10! Don't you just love it? Now I'll bet if this machine was put in our school, within the hour it would be gone. As in the liquid inside, not the machine.

Friday 7.10.05
We decided to take a break and come out for some slacking.

Alwyn with pink specs! Not bad I'd say. Prisc would say otherwise. *1 of my favourite MSN smileys inserted here*
This is where we ended up spending quite some time at.

Setting up the game plan.
Linus: "Alright. We got to do this fast and with minimal casualties."
Prisc: *Auntie/Act Cute voice* "Ohh~ But how we do that nehh~?"
Alwyn: "Wa lau! Like that also dunno!"
Meixi: *Suddenly looks up* "Huh?"Haha. That was all made up by the way. But the Xixi answer is quite accurate to a certian(major) extent.
Alwyn trying on some anime wig. As always, he is the main model for today's set of pictures.

Wizard vs Scream/Scary Movie killer?

Trick or Treat?

Now, what could captivate these 2 girls so much?
Let's take a closer look

Chey. It was just a guitar. And they can stand there for such a long time.

Prisc was the only one who could fit into the Snow White dress. With the dress at an acceptable level. Alwyn also could wear, but it would have been a totally micro dress and unsuitable for young childeren to see. Haha!
Whoa Prisc moves fast! Yeah right -_-
Linus the fairy? :STsk tsk. This won't do. That finger sign is totally unsuitable for audiences under 8. Or 10. Pick one. And trust Prisc to do this! Really, ren(2) bu(4) ke(3) mao(4) xiang(4).
This was what Linus was looking at while he was, erm, being a fairy?

A music player for kids. So fortunate. Apple/Creative, you guys watch out for Mattel! They're going to have a slice of your market already!

What are they looking at again?

Oh. It's a phone(as if they don't have a real working one.)

SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS! Pirated versions with some weird Barbie dolls inside.

Kangwei would love this. Are you reading this Kang?
Daidee addiction returns. But in a smaller version.

Again captivated by another toy. A kiddy laptop. How I wish the real ones were this cheap.
Then something caught my eye. Guess what?

POOL TABLE! But not playable of course. But still, it's a pool table! *giggles madly*

Considered getting this to make our daidee experience more surreal and enjoyable. But Mingfui would say
"Why use chips? Use real money la!"
Well said. Dump the chips then. We'll use them for poker. Haha!
Then Alwyn turned up with something else totally.

A pram? Hint? HAHA

Prisc refused to pose for the camera even though her
husband Alwyn did so many times. Wet blanket.
The fastest bunny on Earth.

Alwyn then sneaked up on Xixi and put on a wig for her. She was unwilling of course

The end result was comical.
Alwyn started trying masks randomly

Okay. What was I doing? That looked like I was trying to shove a broomstick up his ass. But no. It just looks like it. Honest.

So ends our trip to Toys R Us. But don't forget

Posted by melvin at 6:30 PM