Tuesday, September 27, 2005
today's the start of the class chalet. and i'm not feeling too hot. inflammation of the throat. let's apply some Human Bio and Disease here, what is inflammation? something with
-itis behind. and where is it located? throat. so does this mean it's
*giggles despite pain in the throat*
life isn't fair goddammit! it's fucking biased, one sided and TAN. no wait, it's either that or i'm sway. let's just hope the symptoms won't worsen exponentially and fuck up the whole experience.
no no noooo~ >_<
Posted by melvin at 9:00 AM
Saturday, September 24, 2005
It's after exams hence this lacklusture post. Why is that? Cause I have nothing to study. Who am I kidding? CHALET AHHHH
that unbreakable glass that surrounds you.
Posted by melvin at 9:31 AM
Friday, September 23, 2005
This is it! In about three and a half hours time, I will be free. YES. But the problem is... I've still got one paper to do. And for Wednesday's paper, I already didn't want to write alot(I don't know why. Must be due to either lack of knowledge or motivation and I think it's both combined.) Therefore I shall repeat this phrase over and over again until I reach the exam room
"I shall write as much as I can... I shall write as much as I can... I shall write as much as I can..."So help me. >_<
Posted by melvin at 7:03 AM
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Okay, I give up. Cell tech is simply too much. Take me, please. I sure hope i can generate enough lucky answers to pass. There's absolutely like 100% motivation, in a totally negative sense. Suddenly, there's so much entertainment at home. Speaking of which, anyone needs entertainment? Strippers apparently think so
http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050921/en_nm/katrina_strippers_dcAll for the rescue efforts and the girls are doing their part, helping out the men over there by doing a spot of 'rescuing'. Haha. Amazing, what stuff you can find when you're bored.
last lap. hope i don't say "fuck it" and walk off the track.no, wait. i already did.
Posted by melvin at 11:09 PM
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
everything i said before
i take it back
(i'm talking about exam papers. not the sex, tips or whatnot)
ABC is officially the worst paper
i don't think cell tech will contend for that position
(will it? *gasps in utmost horror*)
thought that after all the heavy papers
that this would start to be okay
be slightly easier
i'm not even asking for the word EASY
(hoping that cell tech is =X)
but, to borrow Alwyn's words
"ABC is not easy as 123..."you're damn right it isn't!
and i hope cell tech
won't make me take back whatever i've said
电话响起了 你要说话了 还以为你心里对我又想念了
Posted by melvin at 8:30 PM
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
pool-ing when i should be studying
but i'm definately not complaining
waitlet me take that back
after flipping though the lecture note(s)
"wa lau. suddenly Analytical Biochem got alot to study leh~"right now i'd like to appeal to
the ABC God/Goddess/Deity/Teacher
to help me through this troubled time
by providing tips
memory space(SD, (RS) MMC and Sony Memory Stick accepted)
and most importantly
lenient marking to ensure i get a decent grade
(what? D looks awful okay! but a D beats an F anytime. not in a literal sense though=D)
cramming will begin soon
i hope
all the tips i recieved was
"it's all in the book. and i've mentioned them during the lectures"i'd like to say just 3 words
"what the fuck."3 down, 2 to go... to the ending of the beginningwhat the hell am i saying?
Posted by melvin at 9:07 PM
Monday, September 19, 2005
after another killer paper
maybe ranking only as 2nd
MBT comes as a first
finally i can relax a bit more
but something pissed me off majorly
ever got nagged at for relaxing?
was playing the playstation when this happened
(yeah yeah i know. i'm lagging with the PS alright?
Father: finish exams already ah?Son: No.Father: then you shouldn't be playing thisSon: i have 1 whole day to study tomorrow.Father: you're old enough to knowSon: okay.yeap
i'm old enough to know
i'm 1818 freaking yearslet's just count the stuff 18 year olds know eh?18 know how to take drugs already18 know how to smoke and clog up your lungs18 know how to go around fucking people18 know how to kill someone18 can go jailand join the bloody Yellow Ribbon Project(go read the stuff you see hanging from the top railings in MRTs)
18 already
but still no confidence
no fucking trust
can't i fucking destress?
Posted by melvin at 11:28 PM
Sunday, September 18, 2005
i studied today
i did
but why do i get this feeling
that whenever i play the song
Don't Lie by Black Eyed Peas
i get that
feeling that refuses to go away
even when i'm at the 3rd song already
old habits die hard
new habits are even harder to bring to life
i know some of you may beg to differ
ah beng voice:
"wa lauu! i fucked her once then she tio pregnant liao leh! knn! how cum lai dis one!"
not in that sense
geniussheesh ~
i'd better be careful
better not make
racist remarks
or even remarks on foreigners
lest i get thrown into jail
and pay SGD$10, 000(as Kenneth says on his blog)
to bail me out
but not before
i get
sodomised/sexually assaultedfor a few hours
by sex started inmates
wanking doesn't cut it no more?
*shudder*another guy got convicted yesterday
that makes 3 now
三个好人(2) anyone?
chronicles of the racist bloggers
nonononono don't lie~
Posted by melvin at 1:42 PM
Saturday, September 17, 2005
two words:
RED WINEhappy birthday Grandmaeven though you won't be reading thislive a long, healthy life for years to come
Posted by melvin at 11:31 PM
Friday, September 16, 2005
The All American Rejects
Dirty Little Secret
Let me know that I've done wrong
When I've known this all along
I go around a time or two
Just to waste my time with you
Tell me all that you've thrown away
Find out games you don't wanna play
You are the only one that needs to know
I'll keep you my dirty little secret(Dirty little secret)
Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret(Just another regret, hope that you can keep it)
My dirty little secret
Who has to know
When we live such fragile lives
It's the best way we survive
I go around a time or two
Just to waste my time with you
Tell me all that you've thrown away
Find out games you don't wanna play
You are the only one that needs to know
I'll keep you my dirty little secret(Dirty little secret)
Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret(Just another regret, hope that you can keep it)
My dirty little secret
Who has to know
The way she feels inside(inside)
Those thoughts I can't deny(deny)
These sleeping dogs won't lie(won't lie)
And now I try to lie
It's eating me apart
Trace this life out
I'll keep you my dirty little secret(Dirty little secret)
Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret(Just another regret)
I'll keep you my dirty little secret(Dirty little secret)
Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret(Just another regret, hope that you can keep it)My dirty little secret
Dirty little secret
Dirty little secret
Who has to know
Who has to know
Posted by melvin at 11:29 PM
played close to 4 hours worth of pool today
damn tired
i can't play no pool marathon
cause i don't have the skills or concentration
and paper's in 2 days time
when will i start studying?
Posted by melvin at 8:00 PM
Thursday, September 15, 2005
apparently right now
i don't study
cause thats what my dad says so
Posted by melvin at 7:14 PM
killer paper over
why am i still alive?
heng i had some questions spotted
but no one
no one
would have predicted that PCR would come out
WA LAAAAAUU EEHHHHH~!i knew Mr Alvin Eun would do something like this
something unexpected
thinks it's fun
but it's not
at least i think i can pass
pray? hope?
2 down, 3 to go and i don't wanna fall to pieces
i just wanna sit and hold your hand
Posted by melvin at 3:31 PM
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
today's paper went well
reasonably well
quite well
so most likely
i won't fail this time
unless the questions turn around
and bite me in the ass
*shudders*i'd hate for that to happen
cause i'd have to kill
someone then
tomorrow's the real killer
no tips from Mr Alvin Eun
how are we going to survive
the next 12.30pm?
1 down, 4 to go.
Posted by melvin at 3:20 PM
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
you know the part about studying?
i ditched it and did tried out more effects on the pic
and by doing so
effectively screwing myself in the ass
how am i going to pass?
Posted by melvin at 10:53 PM
i've been flipping through my book
cramming for exams
maybe cramming isn't the word right now
more like reading
read again
eat again
eat some morewe take a break to bring you the following ad:
snow skin~
*sounds of chewing in the background repeating incessantly like a broken record*
alright, we return to the show
what kind of a life is eating
then sleeping?
yeah i know
a pig's life
i'm treating this time of no classes
like a goddamn holiday
Holiday... holidaaay~i had this thought
so what if one day
you woke up
and found yourself
with a different set of genitals
that you went to sleep with
you bet
to a certain extent
damnexams start tomorrow
so maybe i'll stop posting for a while
maybe not
wish me luck
and a head full of study tips
a bag of cash wouldn't hurt either
don't compete to win others because the person whom you truly must winis yourself.
Posted by melvin at 7:12 PM
Monday, September 12, 2005
forgot to post 1 more pic

my brother pretending to drive. haha.
Posted by melvin at 9:33 PM
New skin
finally changed my blog skin
and exams are in 2 days time
started studying yet?
courting death?
4 pics to keep you occupied

you think i'm slow enough?

Rally Art: The Spirit of Competition

my nephew Jovan
我一路向北 离开有你的季节你说你好累 已无法再爱上谁风在山路吹 过往的画面全都是我不对 细数惭愧 我伤你几回
Posted by melvin at 11:55 AM
Friday, September 09, 2005
time for another weird pic post
WARNING: the following story(s) are fictional and any resemblance to characters living or dead is purely intended(or unintended, depending on your point of view)
once upon a time, there were 2 hoods

Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC for short)

Fume hood(Fume for short)

CO2 Incubator(Incu for short)
the trio were very good friends(they had to be, they were so near each other)
but that was before this came

the extremely, HOT, bubbly, Water Bath
both BSC and Fume fell in love with her at the same time
but unfortunately, she could only like one of them
and she chose BSC cause he had



on him. Fume very buay song this. so he called his friend

the Stomacher to help to beat up BSC
all these while Incu was away on holiday so he didn't know what happened
he was busy playing around with the 6 sisters

Dilution sisters
BSC was hurt real bad
his UV lamp was all broken
he couldn't even boost anymore
and the was part was
he WASN'T sterile anymore
water bath was seriously pissed with Fume
and Fume was laughing away
spouting ammonia gas and what not into the lab
she was so pissed that the temperature rose to extremely high levels
and it splashed onto the cable for Fume
and with the current
short circuited himself
Water bath could never forgive herself
so she offered her to him
the act of copulation
(i know i know! how can a water bath and BSC hood mate right? we'll see...)

crotchless underwear(i don't think water baths and BSCs have crotches but who cares)

ever wondered how long ur bf's banana/horse/wanker/monkey is? no, you don't need a ruler, all u need is this! condom with ruler markings! slip it on and watch it work!

edible undies. need i say more?

can't see details?

"omg! you're going in!" =X
a few weeks later
since she was underaged

the RUBBER POLICEMAN(yeap. that's what it's called. the gery rubbery thingy) tried to arrest BSC
turns out he ain't that weak either. he resisted arrest before

GIANT 70% ETHANOL arrived at the scene.
BSC gave up and was taken in to custody
water bath was leaking all over the floor with emotion
he was found to be beyond redemption(and repair) and was scrapped
so ends a story
that's so damn lame
but hey
bet you have't seen this in a long time
Posted by melvin at 11:11 PM
Thursday, September 08, 2005
hooked on 飘移 and 一路向北 again.
周杰伦 杜汶泽 陈冠希 余文乐 - 飘移
Posted by melvin at 10:53 PM
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
watched 三个好人(one more chance) yesterday
watching ex cons reminded me of stanley
what's he doing now?
taking his A levels in there?
another shot at studying
let's hope he doesn't choose the wrong path again
one thing's for sure
he ain't singing the
hum song
goes with the tune of 三只老虎
Hum song*********
lang jiak hum ahlang jiak hum ahlang bang sailang bang saihum jiak sai ahhum jiak sai ahlang jiak humlang jiak humrepeat indefinately
translation means
man eat cockles
man takes a dump
cockles eat dump
man eat cockles
i still wanna eat cockles
lyrics to
Kelly's 被爱的女人在镜子前面 我是个被爱的女人
他站在门外 这个周末我可以依赖在他的胸怀
在情人面前 我还是单身的女人
爱若缺了缘份 我想我只能用情至深但不能太认真
为什么被爱 有时却觉得悲哀
为什么相爱 日子却依然空白
为什么你 走不到我的未来
让爱固定下来 我不会永远青春可爱
让爱固定下来 我和你 不要不要分开
school's out
exams are in
Posted by melvin at 8:55 AM
Monday, September 05, 2005
just changed the song again
found it pretty nice to listen to
but anyone has the original version?
my neck's aching all of a sudden
too much Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines?
为什么我 走不到妳的未来?
Posted by melvin at 11:29 PM
Sunday, September 04, 2005
my blog song so i just decided to post some lyrics. sing along if you've been having a bad day
Daniel Powter - Bad DayWhere is the moment we needed the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue skies fade to grey
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carryin' on
You stand in the line just to hit a new low
You're faking a smile with the coffee you go
You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces everytime
And I don't need no carryin' on
Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
Well you need a blue sky holiday
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carryin' on
You had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
(Oh.. Holiday..)
Sometimes the system goes on the brink
And the whole thing turns out wrong
You might not make it back and you know
That you could be well oh that strong
And I'm not wrong
So where is the passion when you need it the most
Oh you and I
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
You've seen what you like
And how does it feel for one more time
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
Had a bad day
Had a bad day
Posted by melvin at 9:28 AM
Saturday, September 03, 2005
apparently i had tix to Jue Dui Superstar Finals
at the indoor stadium(courtesy of Kelvin, thanks again)
but i'm not going to upload the pics
they're up on Kelvin's blog
check the links on the right
guess kelly did sing better than kelvin
but things don't work out that way
in any case
i'm flat broke again
yeah yeah i know
what's new right?
guess i need a job
or a vampire to do my bidding
which brings me to the next point
my com is getting obsolete
so sad
being with me since sec 2(the desktop)
not it can't even run vampires the masquerade: bloodlines smoothly
my laptop too
and my specs are still taking a hell out of me
Posted by melvin at 10:06 PM
Thursday, September 01, 2005
原来你 什么都不想要
i have nothing better to post.
Posted by melvin at 12:46 AM