Tuesday, August 30, 2005
random pic post

apparently, people our age still can't eat properly. haha!

my cousin. doing some weird superman impersonation. so long as he doesn't think he can fly i think it's okay.

protein digestion. check out that yellow tube... its WHEY.

pretty in purple. our unofficial spokesperson for Body Shop.
last pic

weirdest bobble head don't you think so?
Posted by melvin at 9:18 PM
Saturday, August 27, 2005
i realised
with a jolt
that i haven't updated my blog
maybe cause of the lack of stuff done
or maybe just the lack of thoughts forming in my head
or simply because of blogger's block?
another thing i realised
many of the friendster profiles i've read today
have had their status changed from
in a relationship/married/domestic partnership
is it just me
or is it the season for "geddin it on"?
which again brings me back to the
same old
never changing
static question
when is it my turn?
everyone wears a mask. including you.
Posted by melvin at 8:20 PM
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
word of advice: be careful around toothpaste
why? cause this morning, when i was washing up(i'm half asleep 90% of the time), something unexpected woke me up in a very unplesant manner. the first mistake was to leave my specs beside the basin while i brushed my teeth. the 2nd mistake was not being alert. you see, as i was capping back the toothpaste(#$% brand), the cover accidentally slipped. and i can bet none of your toothpaste openings/mouths/hole(whatever you call it) is totally free from toothpaste. so the cap slipped and this fragment/drop/slime of toothpaste propelled(no doubt by my extremely heavy hand cause i was sleeping) into my left eye.
that was
suddenly, i was
RUDELY JERKED back into Reality.
OMFGdo you know what it feels like to have hot, freaking toothpaste in your eye? concentrated some more. it feels cool in your mouth, but imagine how COOL it would be in your eye! that would be akin to putting an iceberg under your eyelid and leave it there to melt. i spent an additional 2-3mins to rise off the toothpaste.
i should have read the label on the cover(cause i wasn't wearing my specs). TOOTHpaste. not EYEpaste. how could i have been so dumb? *shakes head(not in despair but trying to clear out the stubborn particles of toothpaste still stuck in there)*
*intermission: school*had another conversation with a friend(this time i'll reveal the name), Katherine Lim Su Khoon!(you can check out her blog
here or click on the link Kat on the right)
k: ur blog sounds like mine
k: sadder every day
m: well, maybe someday all the rejects of the world will get together
k: ha ha!m: and then every1 will be happyk: yea, may be
k: -_-"
k: well, nice try
k: hahahaa
k: wait long long manym: hahhahaha....k: so many centuries and ive never heard of any period where every1 is happym: causek: someone's bound to be hurt
m: its not the end of the world yet
m: maybe when theres only 2 ppl left
m: then considered
m: the whole world is happy
m: cause technically
m: the whole world only has 2 ppl
m: *stupid laughing smiley i always put*k: hahaha u leave me speechless!m: *another stupid smiley*
k: ya and be sure the 2 person left are 1 boy 1 girlk: if not.. eeee! homo!
m: they wil say
m: 1 guy and 1 girl to restart the earth
k: say simi.m: and they will have to mate and mate
m: and mate.k: tsk tsk.m: then
m: they have to seperate the kidsk: the amount of vast land for their reproduced
m: so that they wont have to see each otherk: eeee
k: incestm: then later when they're about 18
k: sure will have to incest whatm:the meet and reproduce
m: then
m: the defective genes will occur
m: and then only the strong will survive
m: and this will continue to populate the earth!
m: =)
m: my theory
m: hahak: then the parent must have very unstable DNA
k: so that all the children have very very diff dna
k: so incest not tt badm: ....k: then 1 must be AB blood the other Om: they wont even noe theres such a thing called incestk: so that... in future got all 4 bloodtypem: cause they wont even noe they're frm the same family
k: but i know ma
m: HAHAH...
m: but you're dead already
k: ok
k: u can blog this conversation on ur blopg man
k: so though provokingand so it here it is. would things really end up like that? with two people left to repopulate the world? or what's left of it(the world could only be a square metre large because of the nuclear bombs and all haha). would there be another Adam and Eve or humanity would just extinguish until the next Big Bang comes along and creates a whole new universe, with new species of unicellular organisms that would spawn the re-creation of another senient species? personally, i don't know. but i'd rather think about the ABC practical test tomorrow.
or a certain girl. ha.
Posted by melvin at 10:07 PM
Monday, August 22, 2005
天下没有丑女人 只有懒女人
AHA! did i get your attention?good, cause i stumbled over this phrase which i shall not say where i go it from (but heard it's from a taiwanese variety show)
i just contradicted myself. no matter. we shall focus on the topic at hand, which is 天下没有丑女人 只有懒女人. most would agree that make up now a days can do wonders(and when i say wonders, i really do mean *~WONDERS~*)
but there is a limit that makeup and go(or cover up in this case). some people are just plain fugly. and no amount of make up can disguise that. ha.
OMG. what have i just done? damn another crappy post. must have been really bored to write about something like this.
Posted by melvin at 9:40 PM
i just discovered something about myself today
that i'm suddenly
hooked on to
here's the bombshell
that game which the number 2 of spades is the biggest
as opposed to the ace of spades
but i still miss my bball
it's at jianwei's house
i don't know what he does to it when i'm not around
i wanna run and jump again.
would i take that chance, even though i'd end up looking like a fool infront of you?i guess so
Posted by melvin at 9:06 PM
Sunday, August 21, 2005
how i hate to be confused
ireallyreallyreallywant to play basketballwith sunday teamo again
Posted by melvin at 9:57 PM
so far the previous post
has generated lots of rants
such as
"you sicko!"
bian tai!"
"so gross you still can put on your blog!"
why not?
i repeat
it's not everyday
do you get
to dissect
a mouse
we pause to give you a short commercial break
Nike Dunk(Low) Trio

have you got yours?
for a simple factthat you will never like me backthat's why i will forever remain silentwhy do something that is bound to fail?can anyone tell me?
Posted by melvin at 12:27 AM
Saturday, August 20, 2005
WARNING: Graphic images are depicted in this blog post. Viewer discretion is advised for people who have just consumed or are going to consume a meal.
actually the pics from the dissection are pretty mild.
its the videos that are slightly better(or worse, depending on your point of view)
so here we go
mouse before

omg. they look so damn cute

mousy gang bang?

upclose on the action
Video: Mouse before gassing
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=28RRCCIY (Rating: PG)
i apologise for the lack of pics
for some areas
cause it's all on VIDEO.
Video: Gassing
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=25DSMMSF (Rating: PG)
gassed with CO2
done by the TSO
they jump around like mad
quite cute actually =X

after the gassing

they still look cute... to a certian extent.
then we prepare them for the dissection

swabbing with ethanol

fur being stlyed. style man... ha.

looks kinda weird. the pose... where have i seen it before?

one last look.
before going into the BSC hood
where we're going to extract the spleen
Video: Spleen extraction
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=29HF8XCH (Rating: NC16)
after we extracted the spleen
we mashed it
with some RPMI media
as lube

don't *squish* ahh! squash meeee~! *splat*
Video: Mashing of spleen
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=26LSFYQ6 (Rating: NC16)

after being taken out of the hood

spread eagled.

come on... pose... yeaaaaaaaah~ thats a good dead mouse.
prior to this was the extraction of the spleen
which was licensed
meaning we were supposed to do it
what comes now
is not in the hood
and is totally without lecturer's supervision

check out the red-ness

insides again

we deduced the greenish tube was the large intestine.
no more pics for this dissection due to it being on video
Videos: Unlicensed dissection Mouse 1 and Mouse 2
Mouse 1:
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=264VF96Q (Rating: M18)
Mouse 2:
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=23O3UETK (Rating: M18)
this we took around the end

intestines, kidneys and lungs laid out

and kat was soooo devastated.
you may complain that i'm sick
(but i was only the accomplice)
but it's not everyday that you get to dissect a mouse
so we have to make it worth while =)
heres the link for the collection of all the vidoes
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=26ZW80JX (Rating: NC16, M18)
if you want individual videos
please scroll up
this is all in a collection
Posted by melvin at 10:40 AM
Monday, August 15, 2005
just had a chat with a friend
let's call him/her...
no not A
not B
and definately not C.
let's call him/her 1
on the topic of another friend
we'll just call her 10
so here goes
1: hows things going between you and 10?
me: nothing.
1: you know, i asked 10 about it and she said to let nature take it's course.
me: but i don't trust nature. LOL.
1: -_-"
so blah blah blah
1: don't giv up!
actually, right here
i forgot what i answered
so which sets me thinking
am i ready to move on?
so that OJW is no longer considered an option for me?
another idea just hit me on the head
what would it be like
to play God?
notice all the pain and suffering
but obviously some people are simply moaning
wallowing in pain and self denial
refusing to get off their butts and make a difference
i refuse to be one of those people
thats why i am happy
i think
back to the question
if i had the power
would i make these people be happy
would i make these people be worse off
would i just let them be
and tell them to grow stronger
even though some would crack
and end up down in the basement for all eternity
(suicide is tantamount to an eternity in Hell
reliving the last moment before death forever)
would i end terrorism
and reunite the world
or would i twist the fabric of time and space
so that we would be together
this is getting out of point
but still the question remains
what would it be like... to play God?
Posted by melvin at 12:17 AM
Saturday, August 13, 2005
7th forum's over
thank goodness
it was so nice to see those *cough-
buggers-cough* run
and sweat
and come back with tops all wet
doesn't sound right
preparing it was kinda fun(food hunt)
but it would be better
without exams hanging over our heads
just waiting for us to slip up
and just screw our ass
realhard(damn i hate gays.)
speaking of exams
the results from 3 papers were released today
and like a fool
(which accounted for 90% of the class)
i went to see it
but NOOOOOO~i couldn't wait til like
Monday or something
i just had to go and get that itch out of my system
and find out that i failed one of my modules
but disappointing none the less
oh well
the other 2 will definately be failures
let's celebrate
for my predicitons are getting more accurate
the problem is... i am not considered to be a suitable candidate for you
Posted by melvin at 11:01 PM
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
today is the Nation's Birthday
and my last NDP
of the year
cause i'm sure i'll be in there a few years down the road
with the army
i'm still so tired
i will always be the one standing herewaiting for something to happenwhich will never be
Posted by melvin at 11:53 AM
Monday, August 08, 2005
to every fibre
couldn't get fully awake after leaving the house
fell asleep during prac
even though i got (kinda unsucessfully) punk`d before that
so i was kinda taken in but couldn't really be bothered
but if you wanna punk me
try it when i'm MORE awake?
maybe i'll enjoy it more then
Posted by melvin at 10:34 PM
Saturday, August 06, 2005
shoe post

but somehow, i'm not as happy as i though i'd be.
guess there's more to life than shoes...?cause i think it's you.
Posted by melvin at 4:17 PM
Thursday, August 04, 2005
just finished some studying
or rather
flipping through pages of information
it's sick to know i have to cram all of these in my little head
oh my head's not big... i have thick/alot of hair.sound familiar?
direct translation from chinese
it's party time tomorrow
maybe i'll be able to pick up my shoes tomorrow
maybe not
but who noes?
maybe i'll get lucky
what if i told you that you're all i want(besides that pair of shoes)what if i told you that you're beautiful to me from the insidewhat if i told you that you're constantly on my mindwhat if i told you that i will be here for you alwayswhat if i grabbed your hand and told you "i like you... alot."i guess you'd slap me and ask me to wake up.
Posted by melvin at 10:23 PM
tutorial questions came out today
90% of the people were relived
10% didn't read the tutorial
guess what
i belong to the latter
guess watching batman before an exam doesn't help
at all.
can i hug you...?
Posted by melvin at 6:23 PM
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
section B blank today
what a scream man
i can so totally make an occupation of leaving questions blank
i just have to hold on i guess
till the end of the week
and everything's gonna be okay
my hand's still like this
can i kiss you..?
Posted by melvin at 9:21 PM
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
my tagboard is up
i can finally see what ppl wrote
HBD exam today
screwed up on of the last questions
i am soooo happy about that
i need a haircut too
plus shoes
and an arm replacement too.
Posted by melvin at 11:07 PM
Monday, August 01, 2005
exams week
i spent my weekend recovering from the night over at ci hao's place
and i kinda
screwed up today's test
maybe cause i started studying only on that morning
what's wrong with me?
no motivation?
i guess sometimes you gotta let things go
my tagboard is down
it's prisc's bday today
best wishes =)
may you...
grow taller? =X
just wanted you to know... you looked like Christmas morning the first time i saw you.
Posted by melvin at 7:53 PM