Wednesday, July 27, 2005
it's study break now
what an oxymoron
study and break do NOT go with each other
and so i have not really started studying
and there still lingers the problem of
being shoe-less
how i wish i can regain full use of my left hand
makes styling hair so damn difficult
Posted by melvin at 9:55 PM
Sunday, July 24, 2005
i know this is long due.
but this is kinda like 3 weeks old
NDP collection from all the 3 pre parades
they're not in the correct order
but the day is correct
i think

saz pointing them the right way. so helpful.

kids coming for N.E show. teacher looks kinda cool. lol.
then we got bored

and right now, we give you


official spokespersons for

offical sponsor for the water supply for Usherers at NDP 2005 The Future Is Ours To Make

boredom takes its toll again.

this was the one where the unfortunate diver was injured pretty badly.

missiles! from the mobile column.
halfway we spotted this

on closer inspection

the army really loves its mobility eh. lol.

parade pics. some costumes look really weird. like pringles. i bet cel would like them. haha.

toilet pic. haha.
and because we were playing around too much, this happened

then we managed to get off the hook when saz promised to be good and be a police model


check out the damn ugly uniform man.

cleaners galore

saz and cherlyn take a pose
and we take a short break to show the offical sponsor for this week's water supply for Usherers
Pang Sai Zui

look at our proud spokepersons! -_-"
*fast forward: skip parade to going home time*

me doing my job. ROFLMAO

Charlie and her angels. lol.

semangat sia!
start of the day by cleaning(again) lol.

clean until the hand so black.

presenting, NDP 2005


Parade starts

during the parade look who we managed to see

MARK LEE. hahhha... funny guy.
*fast forward to going home*

this is a nice pic. taken at the Supreme Court Enterance
last pic

i love this pic. =D
Posted by melvin at 12:03 PM
Friday, July 22, 2005
thanks for all the concern over at my tagboard. my elbow's healing fine(i think. i
hope.) which brings me to another point today.
why why why
the hell can't i get a decent pair of shoes?
when i finally find a pair which looks okay to me(mind you, not that i'm falling over myself about that shoe)
NO goddamned size
what gives man? my shoes are breaking already(opps. should be
broken. it has a hole on the sole already) and i still can't find a decent replacement pair. can anyone reccomend good places to buy shoes? like those nike sneakers type.
when something happens, you don't have much to say to me either.
Posted by melvin at 10:21 PM
Thursday, July 21, 2005
so it's official. my elbow's fractured already. doc says there's no obvious fracture(obviously, if not i wouldn't have lasted a night) but i needa see a goddamn specialist. right now all i want to say is
once i reach home, all my dad can comment about is the money spent. linus said at least he gave shits about my injury(in a monetry sense). some dads don't even give 2 shits. so i should be glad?
first the sprained ankle, then my fractured elbow. heaven must be happy now.
Posted by melvin at 10:01 PM
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
i just so hate myself
for all the stupid things i do
someone pass me a painkiller... please?
Posted by melvin at 10:59 PM
Monday, July 18, 2005
so i sprained my ankle during practice
wonder how am i going to play on wednesday?
oh well
this is all going so... swell.
and other than swelling
my shoes have been upgraded
from hot, not ventilated
pirated nike shoes
to still pirated
climacool nike shoes
wonders what a hole on the base of the shoe can do
just don't try it on rainy days though
Posted by melvin at 8:11 PM
just finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
In like, a total of 1 day(counted by hours)
so totally wasted
the book took months to write
and it's gone in a day
i think i read too fast for myself.
ps: the main character that died... it was expected wasn't it?
Posted by melvin at 9:55 AM
Saturday, July 16, 2005
and so...
it's the 16th of july
a friend turns 18 today
so i would like to wish Xixi a happy birthday
and that she gets what she really wants deep in her heart
what else you expect me to do?
(for certain people)
best wishes from that dark guy in the class.
ps: i am really really bored to do all the 16th is here.
Posted by melvin at 12:00 AM
Friday, July 15, 2005
after reading linus's post
i've been bitten,
crawled on
by the nostalgia bug.
so so maybe...
maybe only
i would also write what i miss about my old school.
may sound weird
but here it goes.
i miss sss
i miss the daily bball games
i miss staying back with all my friends
i miss rushing down to the court during breaks
i miss a select few teachers(Mrs A, Mr Thong, Mrs Goh etc)
i miss siam-ing the prefects when i come late
i miss bringing food up to class for picnics
i miss doing homework in the handicapped toilet
i miss socialising in the handicapped toilet
i miss ding sheng when he complains that he wants to shit
i miss being thrown out of the class
i miss meeting up with leonard and walking to school
i miss walking up to my class
i miss the closeness we had when we had to see each other for a standard amount of hours every week
i miss the camps.
and i think
just to put it simply
i miss most of the stuff except studying
but everyone's got to move on
so here's a toast to sss
even if i said i hated you
i still miss you to a certian degree
Posted by melvin at 11:58 PM
i just realised something today.
that somehow... all my recent posts are so damn happy.
when others bitch, moan and shriek about how totally horrible they're life is
and here i am
so happy.
so retarded.
so clueless.
so utterly absorbed in my own world.
i'd be making heaven jealous as prisc would say
and would they take away this illusion of self contentment?
the world doesn't seem that fun anymore.
tomorrow is the 16th of july.
Posted by melvin at 6:04 PM
Sunday, July 10, 2005
friggin jammed my finger again. and slipped on the court. i really need to change my bball shoes now.
Posted by melvin at 9:42 PM
Saturday, July 09, 2005
just came back frm the NDP preview(NE show version)... got lotsa pics(and i mean lotsa). but due to the unfortunate and unforseen circumstances(my card reader is not in my house), they will have to wait... so check back again nxt week. =D
Posted by melvin at 11:05 PM
Friday, July 08, 2005
Your Dominant Thinking Style: |
Modifying Super logical and rational, you consider every fact available to you.You don't make rash decisions and are rarely moved by emotion. You prefer what's known and proven - to the new and untested.You tend to ground those around you and add stability. |
Your Secondary Thinking Style: |
Experimenting You're all about looking at the facts, and you could always use more of them.You see life as your lab - and you're always trying out new things, people, and ideas. The master of mix and match, you're always coming up with unique combinations.You are good at getting a group to reach consensus. |
Posted by melvin at 7:53 AM
Your Birthdate: October 2 |
Your birth on the 2nd day of the month adds a degree of emotion, sensitivity, and intuition to your life. The 2 is a very social number allowing you to make friends easily and quickly. Yet you are apt to have a rather nervous air in the company of a large group.
You have a warmhearted nature and emotional understanding that constantly seeks affection. You are more prone than most to become depressed and moody, as emotions can turn inward and cause anxiety and mental turmoil. It can be hard for you to bounce back to reality when depression sets in. |
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
Posted by melvin at 7:49 AM
Friday, July 01, 2005
we visited the zoo today

the IKEA zoo in fact. skeptical? non believers, this way please.
first up, we have the snake

thanks to alwyn for posing with the snake... he seems to be appearing quiet often in my pics. haha. after that we spotted an

and a
thanks to dick who caught the bee(that's his hand)next up were some cattle

i even got to ride a horse!

after that we saw animals like these
the shelf hunters... they prowl the shopping plains and get as much discounts as they can. hahaha
our resident hamster, prisc. hahahat the end of the path there was a little hut.

dick searched through the hut and he found even more animals

and the next pic is not really intended for little kids but hell...
alwyn's hand is milking the titties- oops. i mean the teats.on the floor was a rabbit

and a rat!

distant cousins of prisc? i don't think so. from this angle she looks cuter than that rat. hee...
*blaster bolts rain from above*
[people duck for cover]

it's an alien! from war of the worlds! omg. how can we save ourselves?

alwyn showed us the way with a lot of heart. this doesn't just apply in movies. haha.
and the sad part was... the aliens had already abducted the animals and killed them... and making them into this
see those tails? so cruel... but cute. =Xfinally we could all go home

one last thing we saw was
mitsubishi lancer!a random pic

if you knew that it would be a losing battle... would you still fight it?
Posted by melvin at 11:35 PM