Wednesday, June 29, 2005
well... i've just caught a movie yesterday and i'll give no prizes for guessing what that movie is. you'll find a promotional poster below if you still cant guess

INITIAL D. the(arguably) the most
hyped up and
talked about show in town. with all the elements needed(
good looking cars and a
hormone raising cast) it's pretty much going to draw the
but in the end... it all falls flat. no doubt it has achieved its goal(drawing the females) through the cast but the racing was a tad too slow. i expected much better scenes due to the fact that this show IS about racing(or the drift as mentioned by the title Initial
D). i guess the only guys that are worth watching out for is Anthony Wong and Chapman To. those 2 really proviede the comic relief needed inbetween the scenes.
in any case, if you still don't know what i'm talking about, which probably means you just came back from the next planet, here are some pics to refresh your memory.

The 2 leads(Jay and Anne Suzuki)

Edison and Jay
you know, i have nothing against edison. i think he's pretty cool when hes on mtv whatever things. but like when he appeared there was this girl behind(think JC) like gasping really loud at certian scenes. i mean total anticlimax -_-"

last pic just because i'm lazy to upload more. =)
Posted by melvin at 10:54 AM
Sunday, June 26, 2005
WARNING: following post is kinda crappy. sorry for the drop in standard but i'm not really feeling in the mood to blog about anything.
random thought 1
walking home one night(22.6.05)
why are these shoes killing me? *wince* wear and tear. *sigh* makes you don't want to walk home anymore.
random thought 2
after bath and sitting infront of computer(22.6.5)
after thinking it through... i still wonder if humans in general are really stupid. a friend once said"a person can be smart, but people are stupid." i guess its true.
random thought 3
sitting at coffee bean(24.6.05)
you can laugh so much? mind boggling. 0_o
random thought 4
sitting infront of computer again(24.6.05)
i wonder why people always focus on fantasy instead of reality. there is no such thing as perfect. flaws are plently. as people always tend to look at flaws in that yearning for the perfect, the reality, the happiness. why not just take a good look around you and appreciate what is already there... and not what
should be. because when it's gone, it won't come back.
random thought 5
waking up(25.6.05)
thought: i wonder if i'm REALLY missing out on something. someone said to take things slow. but i'd like to answer "problem is... it isn't going to happen. at least from my point of view." as always, i'm sitting on the fence. with it poking my ass. because of my stubborness to make decision.
random thought 6
basketball court near my home(26.5.06)
thought: i'm seriously, seriously getting old. *huffing and puffing*
random thought 7
same seat, same computer. (26.6.05)
shit. i'm not feeling well but the reports are hanging over me like a goddamn shadow thats waiting for me to rest so that it can rip me to shreds. go away! and i wonder why am i typing all these.
Posted by melvin at 7:33 PM
Saturday, June 25, 2005
sorry if there aren't any new posts... because i havent got much pics to post(duh.) haha. so i'll have to go out more and slack more. heeee....
Posted by melvin at 1:33 PM
Saturday, June 18, 2005
ripped this from Linus =D
Pick 20 people and answer the questions below
after some (very) little consideration, i came up with this list1. linus 2. jasper 3. xixi 4. nicole 5. prisc 6. kat 7. stella 8. alwyn 9. kah kiat 10. dick 11. eugene 12. eve 13. xiechen 14. saz 15. palvin 16. mei kee 17. foong ying 18. cheryl 19. natasha 20. smurfokay. and now for the questions.
Is 9 a boy or a girl? - guyWould 11 and 2 make a cute couple? - NO.How about 18 and 4?: - hahaha! damn farnie!When was the last time you talked to 12? - yesterday in schoolWhat is 6's favorite band? - jay chou. the 1 man band?Does 1 have any siblings? - yeah. 1 younger brotherWould you ever date 3? - they complain that i should.Would you ever date 7? - they complained sometime back that i already did.Is 16 single? - yes.What's 15's last name?: - kaur? hhaWhat's 5's middle name? - HAMTARO *ROFLMAO*What's 10's hobby?: - M-ING! and playing vball and watching animeWould 14 and 19 make a good couple?: - no.Tell me a random fact about 11 - tennis dudeAnd 1 - he plays da pianoHave you ever had a crush on 8? - alwyn is a straight guy. i am a straight guy. so no.Where does 9 live?: - admiraltyWhat's 4's favorite color?: - erm. pink? black?Are 5 & 6 best friends?: - not really... its 3 and 5. hahaDoes 7 like 20? - duh. classmatesDoes 8 like 19?: - duh. how can any1 hate natasha? shes so niceHow did you meet 15?: - in da classDoes 10 have any pets?: - his own 'little' brother.HAHAIs 12 older than you?: - 1 yr. chao lao!Is 1 the sexiest person - sexy la sexy la. LOL. even the girls say he wear bra strap but its totally off.Have you ever given 13 a hug? - erm. 2 guys hugging is totally off limits.
Posted by melvin at 11:14 AM
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Warning: the following pictures are filtered and selected from a large pool of unflattering pictures. if you want the whole collection please contact me through msn.
went to Hans(Far East) to eat after shopping in town. went to school for a pathetic 1 hr practical-_-" total waste of time and money. but at least i crashed linus' lecture in the morning heee.... and i found out they sold hashbrowns at Hans. they cost SDG$0.80 for 5 pieces. and so i took 5 and so did nicole. this is how they turned out.

issn't it cute? but not as cute as this

its even in Spongebob colours! =D
the other girls ordered some pie and had a rather messy time eating.

i mean, after living/eating for 17/18 years of your life eating almost everyday... and still eat until the table is littered with crumbs. and that was after it was kindly swept up by kat. hahahahaha!
next up is the girl's favourite hobby:
sample provided.
*point point and shake head*
-__-" pictures don't lie. and the person in the picture is you. so why not face it and embrace it?(sound familiar? mentioned before already. haha.) take the pic then get depressed like this
xixi squashing her face to make the swelling go down? =X and why nicole looks so depressed?then was storytelling time!
nicole looks so serious when she tells storys to little kids(xixi)
here's a guess at what she told xixi. think was a remake of the ring
sadako returns! and this time yellow-er and even more dyed! copper red! with highlights even!
and kat was so scared

and then she scared all of us by this pic

which we tried to capture using the camera phone but ended up like this
if your eyesight is good enough, you can just make out kat in the phone which is in the phone.
but in the end xixi wasn't wow-ed by the story
*waves of hand - boring*boring? but right here it gets interesting.

OMG! is it what it seems? what say you? issit lesbianism or simply a play on the camera angle? poll on my tagboard for your opinions. =D
even heroes have a right to be sad. and i'm no superman.Disclaimer: the pictures are not in order in which they are taken and the story is half made up. any resemblance to characters living or dead is purely coincidental. the writer shall not be held responsible for anything that happens later on.
Posted by melvin at 11:08 PM
Sunday, June 12, 2005
i missed my bball game today because of something later on. how sad. no exercise.....
*Initial D is coming. car porn. `drool*
Posted by melvin at 10:24 AM
Thursday, June 09, 2005
游鸿明 - 恋上(另)一个人忽然一场阵雨 世界缩为屋檐 你熟悉的侧脸
回头就在眼前 一分神 丢了手里烟 坠落了
燃烧的岁月 让画面 再接回从前 省略了
昨天的昨天 后来的你好吗 有比较快乐吗
我应该高兴吧 却又说不上话 雨打湿
你右边的肩 泪滑过 我左边的脸 这就是
唯一的关联 当爱是 仓促的句点 你曾是
我吻过 我爱过 也伤过 拥有过 却错过 的情人
这样太残忍 你现在 总是刻意 保持陌生
你吻过 你爱过 也恨过 拥抱过 却犯错 的情人
我不能过问 没权利再问 他是否 对的人
后来的你好吗 有比较快乐吗 我应该高兴吧
却又说不上话 我们是 两条平行线 再没有
任何交叉点 只留下 心酸的感觉 当爱是 仓促的句点
你吻过 你爱过 也恨过 拥抱过 却犯错 的情人
我不能过问 没权利再问 他是怎样的人
非要等到爱远走 分两头 才知道 多不舍你走
留在午夜梦回醉 掏了心 伤心对自己说
非要等到爱远走 分两头 才知道 谁都怕寂寞
一直有句话要说 你是我 今生今世的守候
你吻过 你爱过 也恨过 拥抱过 却犯错 的情人
我不能过问 是我先转身 爱上了 错的人 恋上一个人
nice song. immortalised by Jasper already. haha.
Posted by melvin at 7:59 PM
as you may or may not have noticed, another item was struck off my list on sunday night... did you notice? i guess not. for those who still don't have a clue, i got a new nokia 3230(red).... heee.... and i also got a new hair cut. and its damn SHORT. again. as usual. i think for those who have been following since the beginning know i like to bitch about how messy and thick my hair is, then suddenly bitch again about how short it is etc etc. here's some pics i for the 1st week of using the cam:
6th june
we did 2 things k today... guess which 2?
the 1st was

YES. POOL at KPOOL AMK. due to lack of time we went there... because why? i don't like the people at the counter. so damn uptight. and kaopeh. and everything to do with irritating behaviour. causeway is so much better. the people there are friendlier, most of my friends go there... and also 1 of the counter girls is damn jap looking(kawaii). heee~ honestly, if i could help it, i would go to causeway kpool 70% of the time if i'm around the area. haw haw~
Jasper is a good pool player. haha.
eve teaching kat how to play... but honestly... you should know... lol.
then we went back to school again for some lecture. then was free for the day. so we decided to go to kbox.
they look so sian.because why? the room was in the middle of freaking ANTARTICA. the end some of us even took out lab coats to wear. and i think it was too damned cold for any one to sing properly. and then this pic appeared
chio bu... why? because the hair cover half the face! HAHA!
lab assistants. -_-"
linus and xixi doing a Jolin on J-Game's cover.speaking of taiwanese artistes, guess (again!) who we met at the kbox room?

S.H.E! AHAHAHAHAHHA! jus kidding. the 3 girls standing would represent Selina, Hebe(or
haybi as i like to call) and Ella. in addition, we also saw

a mad guy. in a straitjacket. haw haw~
8th June
played pool again! and this time i didn't suggest it! nicole did! *grins*
here's some pics
apparently when i slammed the balls in, both got stuck -_-"
xixi taking shot. the break like not bad rite? *raised eyebrows*erm. seems like i only got 2 pics. so here's a consolation
taken some time ago in the lab using kahkiat's cam... SOLARISED.i wont be updating much since sch is starting... but please feel free to come and tag anytime. =D
Posted by melvin at 5:00 PM
Sunday, June 05, 2005
The Keys to Your Heart |
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. |
In love, you feel the most alive when everything is uncertain, one moment heaven... the next moment hell. |
You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change. |
You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please. |
Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with. |
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. |
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred. |
In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted. |
Posted by melvin at 4:01 PM
Saturday, June 04, 2005
here's a topic i'm sure you would have experienced at some time or another. and no, i don't mean accompanying friends home from singapore expo(read previous)... but
yEEeess. annoying irritants that decend on you once you're, like 1 step into the shop. in some cases, calling out to you as you walk past. you step in and they go "welcome!" then you just nod and they usually walk away or continue idling. but apparently in a lil' shop down at Annex, they do just the opposite of that. when we stepped in, they were on us.
"WELCOME!" a chorus by oh, 4 people.
linus: *nods*
me: *smiles*
alwyn: *sianz*
and linus proceeds to the rack at the enterance of the store while i check out the long sleeved shirts at the side and alwyn follows.
salesgirl: "what are you looking for?"
me: "shirts."
silence as i pass the shirts because they're a bit too gaudy.
salesgirl: "the shirts are over HERE."
me: "..."
and so i went to look at the shorts... and joined alwyn. OMG. so annoying! then i saw this not bad looking pair of shorts. and was searching for the price tag when this another salesguy comes and asks
salesguy: "looking for price tag ah BROTHER?"
me: "yeah."
salesguy: "here all the pants are SDG $49.90 BROTHER."
me: "okay."
and the famous line
me: "no."
then a moment of silence as i see linus standing there... silent signal to clear out of the shop. i was sure alwyn had enough too. then suddenly the salesguy said something like
salesguy: "you guys not buying anything...?"
WRONG WRONG! *buzzer sound*
mistake of the extremely bad salesperson: never never EVER ask if the customer is buying anything. that would only piss people off. like me. don't they have any logic? and please, i will buy something only if i fucking like it. safe to say, i won't be going back there for quite a while. or maybe not ever. we'll see.
ps: linus also blogged about this check his version out
Posted by melvin at 10:28 PM
Friday, June 03, 2005
today is the end of the week.. lotsa stuff happened. lol. first was the skipping of classes(yeah yeah... only 1st week and i skip classes already -_-"). but i thought that's the whole point in skipping classes... because you know what would be going on.
made a photo album for stella... from the 7 flowers. we printed all the digital pics from my computer and put inside an album. then for each picture, we gave a comment and such... quite fun. and xixi made this nice drawing of all of us and decorated it with glitter. which prisc and linus spent time playing with when we were assembling the album haha. was so farnie some of the comments...
then passed the album to stella today during her class. and i suppose she was quite happy. lol. extremely i think. good ending haha...
i still think about it... sometimes.*还是没把握... 还是没有符合你的要求?*
Posted by melvin at 8:23 PM