Tuesday, May 31, 2005
first day of school:
today is a monday. and mondays suck. and today is the start of the school holidays... and the end of mine. so sad. and 3 people in our class left for PCT track(MB0405): Stella, Ting Feng and Ram. counting from the original class of 28 at the starting Year One, means that 5 people have left the class... with Harry signing on and Stanley withdrawing. haven't seen them much lately... wonder how they're doing now... but with all the people gone, 2 more were added, namely Katherine and Antony, both previously from 0405. nice people... and we could be looking at an expansion of the 7 flowers soon enough... lol.
today is chinese o levels... hope you guys make it. haha.
Posted by melvin at 1:04 AM
Sunday, May 29, 2005

made by me for our N.E project. jus felt like doing something stupid and post it here. haha. clockwise from top left: Jasper, Alwyn, Me, Eugene and Linus.
Posted by melvin at 8:08 PM
Saturday, May 28, 2005
finally back with a post which is 1 week over due... whaahaha... so i'll just set the date accordingly! wahahaha...
okay. here's the deal. prisc and nicole happened to get a job at expo... so they wanted us to go there and guess what?
wow... i mean. thats like... so interesting. but what are friends for... got free food and book fair anyway. hee... =D so we made a pit stop for orchard for our N.E project(with linus and xixi). damn sucky.
weirded out pic. took to show that we were there for the N.E project.after that took some dinner and proceeded to expo to meet alwyn there. just nice we came, he was on the train to changi and my first though was "omg. was he so bored that he took the train back and forth from changi to tanah mera?" HAHAHAH... damn farnie. so we made our way there and bought some books... actually i just bought 1 -_-" went to meet them after that.
the place was packed with people... smells of food, oil, and whatnot. litter strewed all over the floor(typical) with some areas sticky with gravy. heheh... sounds like a food heaven gone wrong. after finding them, we decided to leave and get some fresh air outside the hall... the crowds were making me edgy. lol.
and we saw this outside

it was the
TITANICand lil' kids were playing around it. jumping about. screaming. yelling. pushing. in pure joy. all at the scene of one of Man's greatest tragedies... and Celine Dion's My Heart Will Go On was playing in the background. mockery of the disaster... haha. there wasn't any free seats left. so we settled ourselves on to the curb

right now we take a break to bring you these commercials:
oh yan yan! it's so good to eat.courtesy of alwyn
nutrisoy... tastes like soya bean.courtesy of mecommercials brought to you by:
ROFLMAO~here are the 2 spokespersons

and advertising for prisc and nicole's eggtarts
pls ignore the person holding it.okay. back to the show.
STAR WARS EPISODE VII: Clash of the Bottles
Hand - Don't bother about it
Nutriwater - Sith/Bad Guy/Asshole
Nutrisoy - Jedi/Good Guy/Some other hole
Yan Yan sticks - Lightsabers
scene: Showdown

Soya: so... we meet again.
Water: yes... and this time, it will be the last.
*lightsabers drawn*
*Water strikes first and Soya blocks*
*return attack with grunting and water splashing around inside*Soya: Stop this madness! only through me you will save her. only through me you will save the one you love.
Water: -silence-
*attacks with more intensity*at this point, they battle for a few more mins. before...
*freeze frame*Soya slices off Water's head.
Soya: so sorry, i am. turn to the Light, you should have.
-water = blood-end of scene.
that was some boring crap... and we ended up like this
what are we doing again? -_-"
jolin and jay! HAHA! j-game cover for me and i don't what pose is that for xix. its supposed to look like a jay pose.then we went back in close to closing time... and caught them here.
their eyes look scary *shiver*

we interrupt again for a break
JIA JIA LIANG TEH... good for health.courtesy of linus and alwynhahah... xixi didn't want to take part. so wet blanket. LOL.
revenge of the auntie!
using her powers of persuasion as she did for all those countless people who bought her eggtarts and woke up later to find dozens of eggtarts in their hands!
scary. she can move THAT fast.
nicole. tired i suppose... explains the frown anyway. lol
stoning by nicole... but prisc was damn high. i wonder why -_-"
xixi stoning... lol.
whats prisc trying to do? pray? LOL. or using her auntie powers again?and that was it. just to send them home... what a day.
Posted by melvin at 11:15 PM
sorry no updates because i'm simply too.. LAZY. so please check back in a week or so... thanks for coming regularly though. =]
Posted by melvin at 11:15 AM
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
hee hee. today finally went to Xixi's house... all the 7 are complete now. haha. we have been to each other's houses liao... so that chinese new year won't be so confused =X ate lunch there too... damn lot of food plus crabs too. hee hee... then played some ps before going down to esplanade.
taken by me.
the girls spent time taking pics and complaining about how they look in the pics. honestly, the pics are of themselves so what for complain? as Char said, "embrace it the flaws as well as strengths" or something like that. please correct me if i'm wrong. haha. after that we saw this

and nicole went gaga over it. i found it pretty cute. lol. and here comes the race queens
race queens? nah.after that walked around the place for a bit and prisc spotted this

here's for you to guess what it is. should be quite easy...
nicole then suggested we WALK to newton from esplanade. wow. half were like "no no" another 2 were neutral and nicole was on. so how? simple question, simple ans.
and the coin decided(to horrors), WALKING.
so we walked. hahaha... was quite fun anyway... but tiring. okay. now we have a minute of silence for the people who died during the WWII

now that's out of the way, C.H.I.J.M.E.S was next
courtesy of me. idea by prisc
courtesy of prisc. i look darker. damn.passed by P.S which i managed to catch Linus and Nicole in an MTV like pose
linus is in white and nicole in blackand finally to


by that time, my boxers were quite erm... moisturised by perspiration already. haha. but we still haven't reached far east(designated pit stop). so we continued to walk.
and when we finally stumbled into the building, we had no more appetite for dinner. actually lunch was still in the stomache and no one was willing to eat... hahaha... too tired liao. so we took a seat at Han's
immediate stoning by xixihere's the funni part. nicole commented the fruits were like GOLD because it cost SDG$4.00 but when she ate, she was like saying

for more than 10 times. so i supposed the fruit would be saying this.

hahhaa. lame i know. but at least i tried. haha.
when will i ever be able to take a nice pic with a girl?
Posted by melvin at 9:46 PM
hahah... here's a pic i forgot to post.
another mtv shot... involving the 3 guys who always stand at the same spot in Forever 21. heard the mtv would be S.H.E's Hou Niao since there's 3 of us and the sea. haha
Posted by melvin at 9:26 AM
Saturday, May 21, 2005
hee. sentosa post. a few days late but who cares?
woke up and scrambled to get stuff ready. left at 915. late already. bleah~ was supposed to meet Prisc, Xixi and Nicole at Clarke Quay because Prisc had to sign some agreement for work. since my english isn't bad(er herm), they asked me to go and see also. ended up i was late and straight away went to Harbour Front. ended up only Alwyn and me were on time and we went for breakfast first at the food court near the bus interchnage there.
wahahaha... caught Prisc eating.then like at 1040 everyone else arrived. the toilet there was like, charging people 10cents for entry. and Linus said the toilet stank. so for a free piss, i walked back all the way to the mrt station. so clean. nice lemon-ey fresh smell. haha. maybe because it was just cleaned but who cares. its
Clean and
then we made our way inside the island... sky looked like it was going to rain. but luckily, it didn't. muahahah... paid for the court and balls and started playing.
arrangement. lol.
dick sets.
alwyn gets ready
volleyball is played kneeling down? :Safter that rested for a while. and it seems that friday is guy's day because all guys and not much girls. so i guess this benefits the girls(and gays more). =( met Wee Hong there too... sch team vball player leh... skills zai 1. hahaha...
after that went canoeing...
group photo
alwyn and nicole
me and prisc
wonder if Linus knows canoeing is supposed to be on water? haha. joke. -_-"
again.next pic is porn. those under 18 please leave now.
its a pic of DICK! all 1.79m of it/him! ROFLMAO~we then dumped the lifejackets

to xixi: what's with the hand at the face? every pic is 90% the same!
another group photoand we even had a special guest

photo outside the toilet(of all places)
we even saw a fries monster
see the yellow hair? Xixi said they look like fries so i guess it's a fries monster. haha. courtesy of Sentosa musical fountain.
that's a squid.
after the show we had to take a little walk to get out of sentosa and along the way we saw
the guy in pink is not there. you can't see him.
took dinner at the foodcourt beside the interchange. by that time we were starving and i consumed/wolfed down a plate of hokkien mee and a plate of char kway teow and fried oyster plus a can of soya bean. yum yum~
everyone was stoned on the way back

except this 2

okay. maybe alwyn was a bit stoned but prisc certianly
but ting feng also not very stoned. i wonder why. hahaso i guess this is the end of it. i have more pictures. but can't upload them all because i know SOME of you are using dial up(upgrade la. haiyo) and pictures require a lot of bandwidth to load in a short time... so what's the solution?
hahahhaha... am i helping ISPs or what?
*i am just waiting for right time and place.*
Posted by melvin at 1:08 PM