Saturday, April 30, 2005
today was a bad day. first it started off with me waking up too late. the vacuumm cleaner was simply too niosy then had to get up. after that cleared my table of accumilated eraser rubbings and what not.
after that took the car to toapayoh. and guess what?
FUCKING SWAY. a motorbike hit our car on the way there. can i repeat that again?
FUCKING SWAY AHHHH!here's a pic to illustrate

White: Markings on road
Purple: Us
Red: Motorbike
Green: Other lanes(just ignore)
Turquoise: Road dividers
see we were travelling happily in the car and listening to Wa Jie while waiting at the traffic light at the T junction where Yio Chu Kang Mrt was. was turning left into ang mo kio there. the bike was in the 1st lane, and we were in lane 2. then when it was green, we just started ahead and turned. then there was this bang. i thought what the hell happened, and the first thought would be if i died, who's going to have my zen micro? HAHA. lame i know...
back to story. turned around and saw a guy on the floor, clutching his right rib cage area. at least he was still concious(take note, we just started from the red light. means 0 velocity. if he was unconcious then got problem liao). then got out of the car to check his condition. helped him to the side of the road. by now every1 was staring. damn sway. see the bumper, scratches. see the body, got dent. then my dad started talking to him about the accident... he was in the wrong anway. ask him wanna report to police not? obviously not right. no one with half a brain would want to report to police when he is obviously in the wrong... go court also lose 1 -_-"
wahahahah... then talk summmore(by this time i'm like watching a movie). took down his particulars, asked if wanted to claim anything(injuries small thing lah... go home apply cream can liao. nt spoken aloud though. all my own thoughts.) need to be sent to hospital? no? good. then go on our way to toa payoh with a brand new dent.
Posted by melvin at 9:10 PM
Friday, April 29, 2005
guess i've been slacking the past few days... watched
Linus get a
ohh-so-nice leather bag. yeap yeap and its SDG $70.00 from Flash n Splash... Ripcurl. damn nice man.. but i found that the bag has a slight insecticide smell(think it's just me =X). played pool 4 out of 5 days, so fun... like play the time everyone improved quite a bit(except me)
wahahaha... broke. i hate spending money and not having it replaced. as XiXi said "
money go out never come in de" think that this is our problem right now... so have to get a job(duh). some job that allows us to play and earn money at the same time(i don't mind getting to know new girls as well =D). hahaha... play play play... everyday play pool also not an option. maybe i should switch to LAN gaming. seems cheaper.
oh well, might as well save up and buy a pool table at home instead and charge people for playing. at a discounted rate of course... my peak hours will never be more expensive than those outside =D. and if you come often enough, i'll even start issuing membership cards for even lower prices! so what are you waiting for? give me money to buy one now!
speaking of giving money, that polo tee is still stuck in my mind. note to In.Surge: you guys are making me part with my hard saved cash. happily. and i don't like that. bleeaah~ oh oh, and there's this other shirt with the design at the side... looks nice too. i seem to be repeating what i have mentioned before
another thing, since we have been going out, we haven't stepped into
FOREVER 21 this week! what a miracle! and even if we have to go, must have everyone present... so that the 3 guys can resume their usual positions(and maybe see
Xiaxue again. hahahah)
been thinking lately... that this is impossible. i've known it all along i suppose.. but not willing to embrace it. but after a period of time it sorta gets drilled into you time and time again and begin to accept. not because of other factors(for
Nicole and
XiXi is not a factor in this decision.) i guess thats the way life goes. if not then so be it. not everything will be yours. and if one day that happens, you will end up with nothing at the end. sounds confusing. i am right now.
so heres a break in the paragragh to make this less messy(english -_-"). as i was saying, i'm still young!(even though i complain i'm old). talking with yvonne about her own problems made me realise my own. it would be the childish part of me asking me to hold on, to that tiny glimmer of hope that
she would accept. on the other hand, the rational part would be just to forget it, because there are a hell other girls that require loving and i could be next in line(sounds like some corny tv ad -_-")
tsk tsk. can't belive i'm thinking this way... i wasn't like this last time. nothing could move me(literally. i WAS quite heavy u know. read:
next time i'll just try harder to make it happen with someone else. right now, i'm on my way out of here and into infinity~
*and once again, the cold recesses of space welcome me*
Posted by melvin at 9:25 PM
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
muahahha... went to
kbox again today(WA JIE! =X rofl)... seems like once holiday starts its
kbox/pool/shopping time... all hell breaks loose as the girls in our class get
unleashed onto the streets to enjoy and unwind. that doesnt sound half bad.... lol
played pool again! going to be
broke already... gotta save. and bought this nice shirt from In.Surge
buy 2 get 1 free... just nice had 3 of us(
Alwyn, Linus and limpeh). so like we share(a t-shirt was $29.90... a bit ex lah if bought alone. but together, its
cheap! XD) each person paid $20 and we all got our t-shirts... also saw this other t-shirt($24.90) and polo tee($23.90) considering getting the polo man... the current ones i have a bit the plain... -_-"
went for chicken rice for dinner and gelare for waffles(
?). watched them eat...
*take note now i'm the only guy left* and gossip.
OMG man. they really can
crap... all the gay
shits and stuff all come out and left on the table... but highly entertaining... even more if you're not on the recieving end
(obviously). can even ask
Linus to call and talk with everyone through the loudspeaker. hahaha...
then we hopped to LJS for a drink(gelare ex. only waffles 50% off)... and resumed crapping for a while before leaving at around 9pm. was quite
tired already... why? because i couldnt sleep late and ended up playing MGS2 in the morning until was nearly late. damn
addictive... and i'm playing again now! this is
madness! i've completed the game until i can memorise every aspect of it... and i'm still having so much fun playing it. this kind of
madness i could get to like.
wahahaha.sometimes... things are just like that. and no one can change it, not you not me.
Posted by melvin at 11:40 PM
Monday, April 25, 2005
had some orientation meeting today... was kinda fun. put into games committee... together with the rest of the class. at least in poly they got the brains to put you into your respective cliques. it'll be like so difficult to generate ideas with some people you just got to know. and if we didn't know them, we have to play
ICEBREAKERS in order to get to know them(happens in sec sch... mine anyway).
got some CPT people joining us for games too... handle the CPT side of if would be better i suppose... kinda messy. planned some icebreakers and telematch games. Saz, Linus and Me would be game masters(MORE CCA POINTS! *imitates
Agent Smith: MOORREE~*) with the others as helpers(but i'm sure you guys will have much to do muahahaha)
and there was this part with the logistics where they needed 5 guys for telematch... and XIXI'S name appeared first(courtesy of yours truly)
ROFLMAO~!as of now, she is a BROTHER!
白天我们是 brother, 晚上我们是 sister. i can finally say that wahahhaha...
towards the end there was this another *guy who was like in charge of another committee but come and chup with our group(for what reason i don't know) and was like, kinda telling us what to do and all.
sorry... but who died and left you in charge? we are in charge of games. you are in charge of your own committee... unless there are MAJOR descremencies in the program. if not please, we are the game masters as anita said. anything goes wrong, we take the rap for it. and please don't confuse this orientation with JC. we are a different school, with different backgrounds and experiences... our batch and your batch aint that different, but we aint all the same too.
i don't mean to be too bitchy about it(seems like i am. once in a while okay lah? =X) sometimes you just gotta let people do and do their thang... you'll never know what results you'll get if the old system gets implemented all the time.
bah~ enough of school. after the meeting went for POOL! yes! finally i get to play! hahaha... after sooo long... then after that go and catch up on cs... fun sia. although i dunno if the girls found it fun(sorry lah... you guys haven pick up gun then die liao... =X) hahah...ate some sake sushi(nicole's idea). was either that or CRYSTAL JADE. i think she can go and open her own outlet liao... then we go there got discount.. HAHA!(no offense hor =X) talked crap for a while before coming home. tomorrow will be a brand new day! the girls are going to town... what the odds are we're going to stop by
FOREVER 21 again? and we 3 guys stand at the
same place?(refer to
here and
here if you're lost) no cheating though...
~food for thought~*no names be mentioned to protect identities
ps: i'm not taking a stab at anyone... not JC people, not that guy. it's just that sometimes people need to be gently reminded of issues like this.
Posted by melvin at 9:19 PM
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Jay 周杰伦 瓦解说着笑着的午后 钟声一直在停留
我一个人在角落 没有你陪伴的我
广场旁边的烟囱 烟雾弥漫你面容
我悄悄背颂你的温柔 喝着加温后的啤酒
这样唯美的镜头 是否只存在故事之中
在你的身后 时间把过去都带走
时间把镜头带走不假思索 回忆不放手
好想再跟你牵着手 牵着你给我的温柔
我一个人在角落 没有你陪伴的我
广场旁边的烟囱 烟雾弥漫你面容
我悄悄背颂你的温柔 喝着加温后的啤酒
这样唯美的镜头 是否只存在故事之中
在你的身后 时间把画面都带走
时间把镜头带走不假思索 回忆不放手
好想再跟你牵着手 牵着曾有过的温柔
遇见彩虹 雨下过之后 街角出现彩虹 泪流干之后 有彩虹
Posted by melvin at 1:46 PM
Saturday, April 23, 2005
heres the chalet update... =D *warning: long one.*
Day One (18.4.05)
the arrangement was supposed to be 130pm at bedok mrt station. and guess what? we only left the place after 2pm. hahha... had to ask kahkiat to help and carry some stuff because my radio was damn bulky. and the damned shuttle bus took like 45 mins to come. WHAT THE HELL LOR. they think nt weekend no people will go to chalet. puhleeze~ reached and checked in(with mingfui's name. muahahha) and made the chalet more livable. at this point of time MAMEE showed up and every1 chomped on a packet. lol.
slack until 5+ where i started the fire... so fun to burn stuff! =X oops. arsonist tendencies. the food was well done(read: CHAO TA.) ate like, 8 nuggets? and a few sausages... nicole and linus disappeared to plan places for the treasure hunt(more on that later).
after the food was finished, the food people(natasha, meikee, cheryl... and erm, if you are in but i didnt mention my apologies here) also got a cake for the 4 birthday kids. and they are YUHUA, ALWYN, LINUS and FOONGYING~! had this nice cake and presents for them.
after stuffing our faces with cake, the treasure hunt started(courtesy of nicole and linus). so we had 11 groups, and 12 clues. the groups were supposed to be paired, one male and one female. so i had palvin as a partner(COW. MUAHAHHAHA) anyway it was kinda fun... came in 7th. -_-" and the first 5 had to think of a forfeit for the last 6. it was this weird using-lips-and-sucking-on-card thingy. *shudders* and i got this sneaking suspicion that SAZ was behind this(am i right? got to ask her)
but the best was yet to come... because we had another forfeit for the organisers! thought you could get away with it no? wahahha... heres the deal: the idea was to for nicole to put lipstick on to linus' lips... and then linus to kiss nicole and leave a mark. HAHAHHAHAH~! extremely ingenious i tell you. i guess thats where all our brain juice goes to =X linus was like totally unwilling lol... damn farnie sia...
took a bath at the swimming pool's shower room after cooling down. was totally pooped... due to lack of food. also a bit giddy... this shows that i can't diet. hahahah... and the damned toilet didnt have any doors on the cubicle! wad the FUCK! if a gay runs in, he would have seen all our butt naked asses! thats totally unsafe! what if he gets the urge to fuck us in the ass? what if he raped us in the toilet? i would personally castrate him and throw that dick into the toilet bowl and flush it down the freaking drain.
grrr. anti gay sentiment here.
after that went to mc cafe for some food... was quite late already... and the marine bowl closed already -_-" so no choice go back to chalet and talk crap... and then slp. damn farnie lor... they slp still can talk so much 1... then some ppl was pissed but thats natural... could manage to get some slp while still listening to them talk. a skill that i cultivated from sleeping and listening during classes in school. hahaha...
Day Two (19.4.05)
woke up to a brand new day! actually, because other ppl wanted to sleep thats why we left the room. then linus, nicole, stella and me went to eat breakfast. the other 2(xixi and prisc) budgeting(read: biscuits and milo). ate some dim sum which was totally NOT appetising. bleah~
then the 2 came to join us... played a bit of P00l(yay!) but kinda expensive. -_-" and rented bikes afterward. heres the funni part... the auntie there thought that we were there yesterday, but it was the first time we ever went there to rent bikes. xixi was like about to open her mouth and say that we weren't(so HONEST) but then i stopped her. LOL. damn farnie sia.... then the rest jus nodded along and we got the bikes to 7pm. but then the auntie told kahkiat until 8pm. so like this got 1 hr extra! wahahha... frm 1pm to 8pm is like 7 hrs for $5. nt a bad deal... =D
went riding for a while, got lost somewhere(we all split up). ended up with xixi and prisc waiting for the others to peddle back. just sat there and guess the aeroplanes that flew past. got 2 correct... a bit bian tai. anyhow guess also zun. hahha.
went back to chalet to slack before cycling to asian village(dunno if thats correct) for dinner. ate some seafood(stingray!), satay... the works. lol. the cycle back and return the bikes and walk back to chalet. tok a bit in the room before going down and letting those who slpt downstairs last night to slp upstairs on the 2nd night.... and the bottom floor was a total sauna lor. my shirt was totally soaked with sweat! fan put there bloody hell bai sui 1.
after a while buay tahan then go out and play pool(again!). go there full of ppl sia. 1am still so many... and full of cigarette smoke also(sian 0.5). play until eyes pain. went back to chalet to gather the tent so that the 7 of us can slack by the beach(where it was cooler). since the gate behind was locked, we took the long route out. the pond beside was kinda creepy. i mean when u look in like you can almost see someone else inside... looking back at you. 4 went to slp first while alwyn, xixi and me sit at the beach and talk trash for a while... then both of them went to slp. left me to sit there look at the sea and sms ppl(note: its about 330am.) heee.... *devil grin* you guys should know who you are... hahha.
went to slp at 4+ after walking ard with stella(dunno why she dun wanna slp -_-" then xixi like some zombie rose frm the tent and headed back to the chalet to slp on the nice, comfy bed.) had some fun talking about some stuff with stella. and to those who saw us walking off... WE DIDNT DO ANYTHING(THIS IS FOR PRISC) hahahha!
Day Three (20.4.05)
then about 630am wake up and pack up the tent and return to chalet... packed up and the rest of the 7 flowers left first to go stella's house and slp. i waited for the others to wake up(actually i woke them up) if nt very pang seh... then we all checked out and headed for home. reached stella's house, took a bath, and fell on the bed and zzz. the rest were already zzzing.
slpt until afternoon(which no1 wanted to wake up and thus forcing me to miss my pool. boo hoo. haha) then ate dinner(thanks to stella's mum) and chiong kbox liao. 7pm to 2am. wahahahah... so high man! walked back to her house and surfed ard before slping(5am).
Day Four (21.4.05)
heres the funni part. every1 heard the nicole's alarm(715am). she set it the night before. maybe not night but day before.... then when it rang, no 1 moved. except her who set it to snooze. then everything was quiet again. i woke up but no1 moved so i decided to slp again. then the 2nd alarm came(snooze mah.) then same thing happened. this time i forced myself to wake up and i jus sat there waiting for the others. then stella came in and saw the rest slping like pigs. then she say let them slp lor. then i was like "slp? sure." and fell back on the mattress. later on at about 10+ then we woke again... then every1 was like "i was awake when the alarm rang, but since no1 moved i went back to slp" ROFLMAO. every1 wating for each other to wake up... and i even wore my tags already -_-" linus heard the tinkling. hahhaa...
woke up, washed up, waited for stella's mum to wake up. so paiseh to wake her up... no1 dare to wake her up hahaha... then we jus sit there and pack our stuff... then about 12+ she woke and we took our leave and headed for central where BK was waiting for us.
THEN IT'S POOL TIME! MUAHHAHAH! was shiok sia.... finally get to play for a long period of time... so fun. and i think every1 also had a fun time(read: girls screaming everytime the ball nearly went in) hahaha... pool bug anyone? at ard 4 plus we left, and finally head for home.
Day 5 (22.4.05)
Recovery Mode
Day 6 (23.4.05)
Semi Recovery Mode
a note to add: i know this is a class chalet, but not much was done as a class. so therefore i take responsibility for not planning much games as i was too wrapped in my own selfish desire to play as much as possible. i'm sorry to those who felt left out. and i think the next chalet we can strike a nice balance between class bonding and personal activity. suggestions please contact me. and i apologise once again.Ps: Wondering how come its 1013am when the post is created but appeared only at 420pm? because thats how long i took to finish it. =X cheers people!
Posted by melvin at 10:13 AM
Thursday, April 21, 2005
the melf there is
not me. anyway i hate gays.
Posted by melvin at 3:43 AM
Sunday, April 17, 2005
visited a friend's grave today. i guess thats the end of it. finality sets in... oh well. he's gone and won't come back.
and a slight correction for my return date. it'll be 21st instead of 20th. be back with loads of updates...
Posted by melvin at 9:40 PM
im going to be away from 18th to 20th for some fun. anything important just drop me a line. updates when i come back. cheers~!
Posted by melvin at 10:52 AM
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Jay 周杰伦 - 轨迹怎么隐藏 我的悲伤 失去你的地方
你的发香 散的匆忙 我已经跟不上
闭上眼睛 还能看见 你离去的痕迹
在月光下 一直找寻 那想念的身影
如果说分手 是苦痛的起点
那在终点之前 我愿意再爱一遍
想要对你说的 不敢说的爱
会不会有人 可以明白
我会发着呆 然后忘记你 接着紧紧闭上眼
想着那一天 会有人代替 让我不再想念你
我会发着呆 然后微微笑 接着紧紧闭上眼
又想了一遍 你温柔的脸 在我忘记之前
心里的眼泪 模糊了视线 你已快看不见
Posted by melvin at 10:18 AM
Friday, April 15, 2005
heres the deal. agenda today was to look for long sleeved shirts... and i got
distracted by a number of things.
1 would be the
oh-so-sweet looking cammo wristband frm flash n splash. its freaking cheap(SDG$24.00). and its
CAMMO. where else can you find a cammo wristband u tell me? was really damn
tempted to buy. then i asked the salesgirl to bring it out and have a look at it. at the smallest size was still a bit too big. so i guessed it sealed it for me then. not destined. but
hell, i
don't believe in destiny.
the other thing was this pair of
air jordan XII going at SDG$35.0o
against. why do i need another pair of basketball shoes? what i need is a pair of
low cut walking shoes.
and as the clock strikes 12midnight,
LINUS is now 18.
Posted by melvin at 11:17 PM
Thursday, April 14, 2005
finally its over. all
5 papers. and i'm glad. but kinda going to miss the days where i
ACTUALLY studied. muahahah... and
guess what?WE WENT TO ORCHARD(like we don't go every 2 weeks -_-")and
GUESS WHAT?WE STOPPED BY FOREVER 21 AGAIN!(like we don't everytime we go to orchard)thats not the
worse part. the
worse part is we were standing at the
exact, same location everytime the girls get the urge to go in, which is like
100% of the time.
and we saw
*drumroll* XiaXue! aka
Wendy Cheng (2004 Best Asian Blog Award)in
FOREVER 21. yeap yeap. quite an honour for us
humble and
lowly bloggers. you can
check out her blog at
http://xiaxue.blogspot.comokay. enuff with the guessing. guess this aint
GUESSx3. and today we celecbrated
LINUS' birthday. on the 16th but who cares? its the
thought that counts...
went to
marche and eat dinner there(
nice? soso. budget? definately not.) i wonder how am i going to
amass some
cash for chalet?
simple question,
complicated answer(as always). and even went to kbox*more
$ flies away* sometimes... i even wonder why i ask myself how come i have no cash when i
know where it all goes to.
silly me.
Posted by melvin at 10:53 PM
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
'finished' revising. hope i can
sleep tonight.
can't wait for
exams to be over and
Posted by melvin at 10:17 PM
24 hours later by this time i will be free. i just have to stay sane for another
24 hours.
24 hours.
24 hours.
in and
Posted by melvin at 2:31 PM
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
another paper
bites the dust.
1 more to go. i feel like going on
holiday already
-_-" no wait, make that
last friday i felt like going on holiday. one thing's for sure, my head sure feels
light(cut hair.
not dropping.)
Ooo floating
head. and its sooooo
damn short also. now
regretting that i cut it short.
ps: initial D coming out! who wants to watch car porn with me? XD
Posted by melvin at 1:56 PM
Monday, April 11, 2005
2 to go. please dont let me lose my
sanity so fast. its going to get
harder with each passing
help me.
Posted by melvin at 6:06 PM
Sunday, April 10, 2005
the fuck out of my face! arrrgh. and right now, im lucky im
still breathing.
Posted by melvin at 4:55 PM
3 papers. i just need to
hold on for another
4 days and not lose my head. damn
sian from studying already. keep thinking about other stuff which im not supposed to be thinking about right now(
fun fun fun).
arrrgh. suddenly i feel that everything is
useless. theres
no way this is going to turn
180 degrees and go my way.
Posted by melvin at 12:18 PM
Friday, April 08, 2005
okay. the previous post i typed was gone. and i aint gonna fucking retype it.
Posted by melvin at 10:09 PM
Thursday, April 07, 2005

Initial D! can't wait for more car porn! =D
Posted by melvin at 10:53 AM
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
hmmm... my posts seem to be getting
shorter. blame it on the exams again! yes... always blame it on the examssss... "
my precioouusssssss"
0_o okay, that wasnt intended...
haiz. don't you feel that sometimes life in singapore shortens people's lifespans? i mean, we do have low crime rates and all. and pretty safe streets at night(thanks/no thanks to our government and strict laws). on the other hand, the stress of being in an extremely
stressful education system does take its toll on the mind(count the number of suicides).
there may be other factors involved, but (bad)results are quite detrimental to health. haha. parents pushing kids to work harder, get better grades
"haiyo... why get b4 only? wad did *edwin get? WHAT? top the class again? you'd better buck up if not no more xbox for you... yaada yaada" sound familiar? i bet you might have heard it at some point of your schooling life. or something like this
"what? fail again? just/badly fail? work harder or no ps2 for you yaada yaada"stress... must me making me write all these.
damn. got to get back to
*names changed to protect identity
Posted by melvin at 8:15 PM
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
new skin
jus changed my skin prior to exams... this is the
turning point. this is
the moment. this is
the flap of the butterfly's wings.
Posted by melvin at 9:43 PM
cant take it
taking a break from studying right now... why do reaction mechanisms have to be so
complicated and
diverse? i wonder...
*blink blink @_@ and look up to sky*BLEAH~don't want to
waste my
brain energy thinking of
useless stuff -_-"
honestly, wad can i do now? other than the obvious
studying. another thought pops into my head now... i wonder wad are
the others doing?
studying? slping? its still quite early(11:24am nia...)
i must be
damn bored to able to write so much
useless crap. somebody
save me.
Posted by melvin at 11:24 AM
Monday, April 04, 2005
Mr. Lonely
Spent the day outside trying to
study... im really
not suited to take chemistry... lucky didnt do something
stupid and put clinical trials. if i did i would be in deep
shit now... no wait. they require a C in org chem. so therefore even if i
DID put my choice for clinical trails, i wouldnt be allowed to go there. so i
wouldnt be screwed afterall. ahahahaa...
Dropped by orchard after dinner... xixi had to pick up some cookies for her sister... some confusion of the
particular strain of cookie to buy. -_-" strain.
too much microB already... then walked ard... actually nt really around. just
Forever 21.
again. i think
they can memorise where the dresses are and all that...
everytime go there is drop by that shop 1... then we 3 guys resume standing at the
same position again... -_-" no offense. i guess
guys and
girls shops restock differently...
Recently a song got stuck in my head... its
Mr. Lonely by Akon... quite a remix of an old song... nice. and if you all wondering wad song im talking about, its playing right now... unless u stopped it lah. -_-" the song is there for you... nt for u to click and stop it once it part loads. hahha...
oops. kinda sarcastic(kinda -_-").
blame it on stress...cue nt-
ooops. i mean exam
nt easy...
*thinks of pool*haiz... even if im thinking of the damned table... no fun playing without
Her. wad gives? as the lyrics goes"lonely/i am still lonely/i have nobody for my own
~*goes high pitched*" is this
me singing? i noe my singing
sucks... sung about girl leaving the guy... but wouldnt it be nice if the guy couldnt get the girl? applies to the situation...
finally a post that i can write more...
whew you guys must be getting bored reading my recent medicore posts...
*lonely... so lonely...*
Posted by melvin at 10:38 PM
Sunday, April 03, 2005
new bloggers
blogging fever has hit haha.... 2 new bloggers... u can check them out on the left(Jiawen and Cindy)... i still havent started. wad the hell am i doing? courting death again? do i really want to end up failing a module again? fuck.
Posted by melvin at 9:42 PM
Saturday, April 02, 2005
exams are coming. so wont be blogging much... jus reduced my inner desires list due to lack of funds and more concentrated spending. hope that i wake up enough to study before time runs out.
*jus to let you know... that i will be here.*
Posted by melvin at 9:04 PM
which naruto character?
Which Naruto Character are You?
Test by
Posted by melvin at 4:26 PM
Friday, April 01, 2005
april fools?
today is one of my brother's birthday ALWYN. muahahha.... nearly kena sabo by me but foiled by girls. -_-" nvm... theres always a next year.... muahhahah...
Posted by melvin at 10:53 PM
for ur info, those melfs are nt the real deal... jus char and zyun trying to get each other to like me. so wad gives? *random crap generator*
Posted by melvin at 9:46 PM