Friday, December 31, 2004
new song!
wowowowo. well well... finally changed my blog song(again!) and you lucky people get to listen to new songs everytime! =D
Posted by melvin at 6:13 PM
Thursday, December 30, 2004
presents from linus! =D
dog tags
Posted by melvin at 7:29 PM

leather strap
Posted by melvin at 7:28 PM
fierce lookin spikes
Posted by melvin at 7:28 PM
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
nt a bad day afterall...
woke up to find the skies grey and cloudy. shit. wad a day man... supposed to play bball with dick, xiechen, mingfui, alwyn and kk 1. and now this! shitty! so decided to drop the bball gear and go to school. guess wad? i reach there the floor still wet. but then still played... stripped to boxers though. hahaha... had a fun time running ard in boxers hee. after that was 2 hrs of organic lecture which i nearly dozed off. then after that went to causeway point to walk around... heard that yanning was in the area so tot could meet up... but she couldnt get away frm the family so i went home first... this is where things start to get better. cindy ANG then told me there was a concert by our sch band at singapore conference hall(i tink thats the place) at tanjong pagar. and she got the ticket but couldnt go... so i replaced her. hahah... then rush out of the house(i only got to know at 5.50pm, and they we're meeting at 6. wad nice planning.) then managed to reach tanjong pagar at 7 to meet huiwen, yuting, lynn, vanessa and jiawen.(^_^) heard that lynn's bf was supposed to come but haven book out of the camp so we went first.. saw cindy LEONG too. lol. then watched the performance.... nearly dozed off. found some entertainment in disturbing vanessa(pika~chhuuuuu!!!) walked to chinatown(?) to eat tang yuan. ended up the person who wanted to eat didnt eat at all. (-_-") guess thats the way things turned out. hahaha. eat liao nothing to do den go home lor.... and guess wad? i reached home at 11+. haven go org chem. haven even read thru prac for microB. hahaha... but i guess its worth it because i got to go out and talk a bit(?) with Her... haha... and jus recieved her card... hee.
Posted by melvin at 11:50 PM
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Hoobastank - Disappear
There's a pain that sleeps inside
It sleeps with just one eye
And awakens the moment that you're near
Though I try to look away
The pain it still remains
Only leaving when you're next to me
Do you know, that everytime you're near
Everybody else seems far away
So can you come and make them disappear
Make them disappear and we can stay
So I stand and look around
Distracted by the sounds
Of everyone and everything I see
And I search through every face
Without a single trace, of the person
The person that I need
Do you know, that everytime you're near
Everybody else seems far away
So can you come and make them disappear
Make them disappear and we can stay
Can you make them disappear?
Make them disappear
There's a pain that sleeps inside
Sleeps with just one eye
And awakens, the moment that you're near
And I search through every face
Without a single trace, of the person
The person that I need
Do you know, that everytime you're near
Everybody else seems far away
So can you come and make them disappear
Make them disappear and we can stay
Posted by melvin at 10:01 PM
Saturday, December 25, 2004
christmas day
woke up at 11. if u noticed, i slpt like 4 hrs. really dizzy... but bo bian. went to jane's house for christmas lunch... played cards(standard 1), went to the billard room, came back, played more cards, drank red wine(staple at family gatherings)... nothing much. hahah.. then went to watch kung fu hustle with cousins. and OMFG its damn funni, spoofing matrix and other movies... damn funni lor. i highly reccomend. even though a bit lame. but hey, im a lame guy... hahah.
Posted by melvin at 9:46 PM
christmas eve
first of all, MERRY XMAS TO EVERY1! jus for christmas, prisc, linus, xixi, eve, et and me went to marina bay(?) to eat steam boat(??)... was kind okay... but i dun really eat steamed stuff. haha... so jus ate fried food. muahahahha... but thruout dinner we were telling stupid jokes... esp see xixi that kampong tell jokes. damn funni... played some pool. omg man. its a total waste of money. so freaking ex. the cues kinda suck. tables nt smooth. and the ball keeps flying off the table. issit just me, or does the table have some weird spring to make the balls fly off the table more often than not? okay okay enuff about bad pool places. after that we made our way to eve's house. because she cant stay outside... means we all got to go her house if we wan to hang together. upon reaching, we jus like, slacked and played uno(???). then linus(or was it me) had the idea to go to orhard. and so after thinking after a while, prisc linus and i went off to orchard... at about 1am. and too bad. we missed the last train frm jurong towards town... so we had to take back to amk and take a taxi frm there. upon reaching orchard, it was still pretty crowded. linus went to meet his friends *prisc says they are xiao mei mei. but he bo jio.=(* hahaha... so i was left with prisc. and she went to meet her friends at cineleisure. which i was like kinda extra(being the only guy.) so we left. and walked down orchard towards ps.... then ended up getting a bit blur with directions. hahah... then ended up outside the fish and co we celebrated et's birthday at. sat at the huge LOVE sign that was just outside and jus talk to pass the time. hahah... didnt want to stay at orchard because ppl were spraying stuff(snow stuff and party ribbons) all ard... escape that. hahaha... then after that went to look for toilet... toilet found. relived myself...(details shall nt be disclosed)... we ended up at le meridian hotel's front steps. its there that we resumed talking crap... and waited for prisc's dad to fetch us out. so wen we finally left orchard, was about 6 am... hahha... so was like spent a nite talking and walking -_-" *note: nothing happened.* reached home, slp zzz...
Posted by melvin at 7:33 AM
Friday, December 24, 2004
sch on christmas eve?
today's lecture was quite okay... but after that, we had a gift exchange prog(for more info plz check out the class webby and i got a pair of cammo dog tags, a leather strap and another 1 with spikes. THANKS LINUS! =D this totally rocks! wahahahaha... later going to go out.... muhahaha...
Posted by melvin at 1:39 PM
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
home early
today didnt go out even though dismissed at 2.30... why? because i tink we all needed a rest... hahaha... walking for the past 2 days is no joke... came home slack and took a nap... if not wouldnt have lasted this long... and just got startling news... harry has just signed on the army. so actually i tink hes thought through this carefully and since this is his decision, i will support him... so will others in the class... maybe not all but some... kinda sad to lose a fellow crapper in class... miss those jokes and all... all top grade jokes man... gonna miss those times... but can always meet up for a game of pool or a meal... hahaha... and heres a goal i just made
GOAL: To beat harry the next time we play pool.
hahahahha.... so i guess wont be seeing him in sch anymore... good luck man.
Posted by melvin at 10:25 PM
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
another day....
another day walking around after school... scouting our for presents for our Mortals hahaha... went to bugis straight after school(i seem to be going out more... i wonder why)... quite fun actually... hahaha... also a bit shopping for self... half way we split for a while before hooking up again then travel as a group... walked the whole of bugis... legs tired. guys simply aint built for shopping. hahahah... bought 2 shirts(1st 1 at $15 2nd 1 at $15.90) though =X now, an arguement is going on in my head... goes smth like this
wallet: WAD? AGAIN?
me: errr.... yeah. *cowers*
wallet: wadever happened to NOT spending money?
me: errr..... *looks down at floor*
wallet: SO?
me: jus give me the cash and shut the fuck up.
*snatches ATM card and proceeds to buy the shirt*
something like that.... really stupid. spend and spend... haiz. den the status of my present... shall not be known until friday(i do know how to keep ppl in suspense =D) so can forget about asking me... hahahha... then today got to chat a bit with Her... but She had to go early :( so sad... but at least i GOT to talk to Her... so thats something to be glad i suppose.
*whistles 'always look on the bright side of life'*
Posted by melvin at 9:50 PM
Monday, December 20, 2004
song change
jus change the song(again.) yes i noe i noe... seems like i damn free to change(which i most probably am). muahahhaha... but i still dunno wad to buy for the person that i picked. oh well, hope something strikes me in the next few days....
Posted by melvin at 9:07 PM
a new semester
today was the start of school.
sianzation man! sit thruout the morning then got practical... the lecturer face kinda strict and shit. the marking scheme also sucks. bleah. stupid essay discussion... but lucky left early(?) but how early can u leave wen he toks so much? :S today also drew lots for the festive season.... hahah... to keep spirits up(thats all we can do due to the demoralising fact that school has started BEFORE christmas) i, errr.... i mean, we, have decided to draw lots and give a present to the person we drew(is that confusing? :S) yeah. so thats the brilliant idea to keep us going until friday(at least) before we find something else to occupy ourselves during the term. rules are as follows:
1. No one shall disclose the identity of the person whom the present will be given to.
2. No one shall disclose the identity of the person who is the giver of the present.
3. No one shall attempt to wheedle that identity from the person.
4. Gender may be discussed, but no hints given about the person(refer to rule 1,2).
5. Budget shall be over $5, but those who wish to give presents less than $5 will do so at their own risk(eg. reputation, physical bodily harm, psychological trauma, etc).
6. Thought shall be put into the process when purchasing the present(eg. no christmas cards, etc).
The person who breaks the rules 1, 2 or 3 shall be excluded from further activities(eg. class outing, kbox parties, pool parties, pub crawling, etc).
so please break the rules at your own risk =D
as i was saying... after the drawing of lots, we were dismiss early so we went to far east to look for presents... ended up kinda shopping for ourselves also... hahahahah... then after that go hereen(again. omg wads with hereen and MB0401?*shakes head*) saw some really nice leather bangles... spend money again. nonononono. arrgh. walk until leg pain... hahaha...
Posted by melvin at 7:47 PM
Sunday, December 19, 2004
crawled out of bed to go for mother's company tour... half way run away because wanted to go to expo already =D so went home and change and went to cineleisure. take neoprint(-_-") omg man, the machines are not human. how the hell can u take neoprints so fast? its like 321 flash. @_@ then ur left in the dust wondering wad the hell just happened. at least give warning lah! and slow the damn thing down. bleah~ then take again with another machine. *sigh* girls will forever be girls. then went for dinner before going expo. ended up late(sorry) for natasha's church musical... nt bad lah but the music shld be softer so the lyrics can be heard. hahahhha... but they're jus singing about Christ and Jesus and all... standard 1... then we noticed the ticket cost 5 bucks per person.
O M G(since we're on the topic of God today)
thats like.... lets see 13 ppl so 13 x 5 = -_^ forget it. my maths suck but as u can extimate, the amt is not SMALL. and natasha did not want to accept us paying her. wad a nice girl... but ultimately, i think she should because we will feel a bit u noe... guilty? free loading? something along those lines... so we decided to treat her to eat swensons at pasir ris... ate earthquake... sat ard toking crap until 10+ then went back home... damn tired already. so i'm going to stop here... and thanks again natasha!
Posted by melvin at 12:03 AM
Friday, December 17, 2004
pool/ktv day
today another 2 hours of pool at causeway with xixi and prisc... hahaha... end up only 3 ppl playing -_-" then towards the end stella and meixi joined us for a few games before we left for orchard... prisc wanted to sing ktv... so go to party world. then sing songs frm 4-8pm(seems like party world u cant over run the timing... they just give u the last song and thats it. so mean. HAHAHAHHAHAH)
but wait. if u notice, i was out with girls the whole day. so wad gives melvin? hahahha... well apparently i noe how its like to be linus(no offense. seriously. this is just in jest =D) hahhaa... but hey, who doesnt like to be in company of ladies? hahahahah.
Posted by melvin at 9:52 PM
Thursday, December 16, 2004
played badminton today at school. again. went back again just for badminton with the others... play until hand got blister. shiok man.. finally get to exercise again. hahahah... went out after that. reached home at 3+ online for a while den got a msg frm yanning asking to meet up. u see shes this friend i got to know through my classmate back in sec 3. so until i grad and enter poly we still havent met up(thats like 3 yrs) *some stuff not supposed to say here soooo... =D *hahaha... so took a nap and rushed out of the house. ended up late... so paiseh. 1st time meet end up late hahaha... but badminton tiring so bo bian got to slp if nt half way sure drop on floor and zzz 1... walked ard esplanade and suntec... talking all the way... lol.... no awkwardness... lucky. hahahha.... quite a nice day... hahaha...
Posted by melvin at 10:51 PM
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
dj name
Posted by melvin at 8:38 PM
what colour are u?
You are very perceptive and smart. You are clear and to the point and have a great sense of humor. You are always learning and searching for understanding. Find out your color at Quiz Me! |
Posted by melvin at 6:48 PM
wad candy are u?

discover what candy you are @ quiz me
Posted by melvin at 6:46 PM
wad pie am u?
find your inner PIE @
Posted by melvin at 6:46 PM
new track
changed the song to Switchfoot - Meant To Live... because its a gentle reminder to jus live life... not slog through it. jus live...*i live for you*
Posted by melvin at 6:43 PM
some1 help me save money
damn damn damn... skipped the cca forum today. looks like its time to get a new cca... i need something that can interest me... like photography? love the sounds those SLR cameras make... reminds you of Shutter(u noe that movie)... went to causeway point with kahkiat... and bought something again. -_-" god i have to stop spending money! damn damn damn... wasnt me! the billabong pencil case seduced me! and the sales girl too!(but she looks old though... hahaha... but who cares? can yang me muahahahhahah*stupid grin*) hahahaha... played 2 hrs of pool. finally. and kahkiat improved a lot. and i mean A LOT. thats good... a new breed of players hahahahaha... but i sucked at the start. rusty... havent played in a long time(no count those 15min - 1/2 times i played)... end up 2 hrs only 5 bucks. i just love non peak hours =D
*cutscene: pay money. again.(covers face with hands)*
hahahaha... maybe nt so kua zhang(exaggerated) lah... but something like that... after pool walked ard orchard in a daze. well, wad the hell am i doing in orchard u ask? i actually wanted to get off in sembawang... but go home sian. so i jus took the train down to kill more time. besides... the cute girl on the mrt was also going to town(hehe)... hahahaha... and kept eyeballing me. like i got something wrong with my shoes. so wad if i step on my jeans until they are fraying? hahahha.... self guessing. i dunno wads going thru her mind. LOL. damn. nearly got knocked down by car because was thinking of some stuff. so heres a tip: don't walk ard orchard in a daze. could get u killed. and saw 2 porche carreras. omg. *drools here* zoom. 100m. to the next red light. hahahahha. eat petrol like siao. but i still want one. =D
back to main topic of the day. arrgh! why the hell am i spending so much money? damn damn... maybe its the inner me. hahahahah... making itself known to the world*bloody spendthrift* wallets going to be empty soon. i need some1 to help me save money. some1 like... a girlfriend. yeah. thats right... a girlfriend so that i can save up the money... and spend it all on her. yeah. sounds okay to me... at least im saving? hahahhaha. crap. (unusually long post because ive got nothing to do. and plenty of time to think wen killing time. haha.)
Posted by melvin at 5:41 PM
Monday, December 13, 2004
havent really blogged in a long time.. since i came back frm the trip... been jus busy trying to catch up with the rest of my friends(and the world)... hahaha.. spent 1st half the day slacking again toking to her... muahaha... after that went with ah gong aka yanyong to town area... walk ard far east and wisma in search of nice mesh cap... in the end bought 1 at the flash and splash at wisma... beige gravis cap at $39... burn hole. previous day just bought a silver ring at bugis for $11... total $50 gone in 2 days. i shld jus keep my wallet away frm me now... restrain myself. hahaha.... omg the mental torture i go through just to stop myself from spending... damn. i want to play pool too. but seems like no1 is interested to play with me(and those who are... well, most probably i won't wan to play with u).... so there. i shld really stop spending if i want my phone... and i DO want my phone dont i? *fucking dilemma*
Posted by melvin at 8:14 PM
Sunday, December 12, 2004
quiz 2

you're a gaurdian angel. you fight and protect the
people you love and vaule.
what kind of angel are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Posted by melvin at 11:42 AM
You take the Stairway to
Heaven. Whystay down when you can go up? You, my ambitious
friend, are going places,following your dreams. Good for you. Few people
chase their dreams anymore.Never give that up. You are heading up in the
world, making a name for yourself,even if it's just a small group who know it. You're
finding your way and areheading straight for the top. You've got all the
qualities of a great leader andare probably a very optimistic individual. Though
you can be a bit selfish attimes and have a tendency to step over people in
your way. You must watch that.You could end up hurting the ones you love if you
put your own goals above them.Never lose faith in that dream of yours, but make
sure you can keep those closeto you because in the end they'll be the ones to
get you through the toughtimes. You have found your place and yourself, few
can do so well and stillstruggle to find themselves. Don't let go of that
sense of self you have even intimes of confusion, it will help you pull through.
Be careful of your ego too,you could lose your balances and once you're at the
top, it's a very long waydown. So be mindful of others, strive forward to
reach your dream, whatever itmay be, be true to yourself, and you keep going up.
Don't let anyone pull youdown.
What Path Do You Take In Life? [X]For Guys and Gals! Pics and Lengthy Results.[X]
brought to you by Quizilla
Posted by melvin at 11:37 AM
Saturday, December 11, 2004
somebody save me
damn i'm bored. i want a pool table at home... or an xbox. or ps2. anything. a new desktop capable of supporting doom3 at the highest level... arrrrgh!
Posted by melvin at 10:02 AM
Friday, December 10, 2004
and so i'm back, from outer space
wahahahha. back finally... hug the computer muahahahaha =D this time bought quite a little stuff frm thailand... so sad... budget because had to help some1 buy clothes den no cash for me. -_= but was kinda fun... the hotel got lotsa jap girls(muahaahha) everytime see 1 reminded of her... so got plenty of reminders ahahhaha...
Posted by melvin at 6:24 PM
Sunday, December 05, 2004
周杰倫 and 曾寶儀 - 屋頂之爆笑廚房版
(Jay) 半夜睡不著覺 ban ye shui bu zhu jiao
原來是巴豆腰 yuan lai shi ba dou yao
只好到廚房去吃一點東西 zhi hao dao chu fang qu chi yi dian dong xi
(Bowie) 睡夢中被吵醒 shui meng zhong bei chao xing
我還是不確定 wo hai shi bu que ding
廚房怎會有人在開冰箱的聲音 chu fang zen hui you ren zai kai bing xiang de sheng yin
我悄悄去房門 wo qiao qiao qu fang men
帶著球棒過去 dai zhu qiu bang guo qu
原來是剛才睡在我旁邊那個人 yuan lai shi gang cai shui zai wo pang bian na ge ren
(Jay)那個人不就是每天幫我煮飯的人 na ge ren bu jiu shi mei tian bang wo zhu fan de ren
我們都鬆了一口氣 wo men dou song le yi kou qi
(Jay)有麵線 you mian xian
還有兩個燒肉粽 hai you liang ge shao rou zongHo~Ho~
(Bowie)有麵線 you mian xian
還有兩個燒肉粽 hai you liang ge shao rou zongHo~Ho~
(Bowie) 再加上一點豆油膏 zai jia shang yi dian dou you gao
再把那麵線全部煮成一大碗 zai ba na mian xian quan bu dou zhu cheng yi da wan
(Jay) 再加上一點花生粉 zai jia shang yi dian hua sheng fen
煮成一大碗 zhu cheng yi da wan
(Both) 吃飽這時刻 chi bao zhe shi ke
這一分一秒汗流不止zhe yi fen yi miao han liu bu zhi
(Jay) 胃開始糾結 wei kai shi jiu jie
(Bowie) 該不會是那豆油膏 gai bu hui shi na dou you gao
快打電話去給那最近的醫院 kuai da dian hua qu gei na zui jin de yi yuan
(Jay) 還是過期的花生粉(Jay) hai shi guo qi de hua sheng fen
最近的醫院zui jin de yi yuan
(Bowie) 送醫這時刻 song yi zhe shi ke
這一分一秒腹瀉不止 zhe yi fen yi miao fu xie bu zhi
(Jay) 臉開始糾結 lian kai shi jiu jie
(Both) 今夜真倒黴 jin ye zhen dao mei
(Bowie) 剛才落屎是誰 gang cai luo shi shi shei
讓你落屎是誰 rang ni luo shi shi shei
整車的便便氣味環繞在我倆的身邊 zheng che de bian bian qi wei huan rao zai wo liang de shen bian
(Jay)是我~ 是妳~便便味環繞在我倆的身邊 shi wo shi ni bian bian wei huan rao zai wo liang de shen bian
(Bowie) 讓我害怕是誰 rang wo hai pa shi shei
讓你抓狂是誰rang ni zhua kuang shi shei
現在我很想找個地方躲一躲 xian zai wo hen xian zhao ge di fang duo yi duo
(Jay)是我~ 是妳~很想找個地方躲一躲 shi wo shi ni hen xian zhao ge di fang duo yi duo
Posted by melvin at 4:58 PM
forest joke
a bear and a rabbit were taking a dump in the forest.
bear: u got a problem with shit sticking to your fur?
rabbit: no
the bear then wiped his ass with the rabbit.
Posted by melvin at 3:58 PM
going overseas
going overseas from 6th-9th dec... anything just leave an email. and dun worry about flooding my inbox. ive got 2000mb ;) muahaahahha
Posted by melvin at 8:54 AM
Saturday, December 04, 2004
Jolin - 招牌动作
Up Up 抬起头 Up Up 别害羞
衣服穿什么 走什么风格为什么觉得你的一切那么眼熟
那口红的颜色 跟走路的动作
做事要原则 做人要独特
一旦失去自我 下一步该怎么走
前后 左右 可都是对手
Up Up 抬起头 Up Up 举个手
Up Up 想个属于你自己的招牌动作
Up Up 甩个头 Up Up 扭一扭
Hey Come On Everybody 通通被你迷惑
Up Up 动一动 Up Up 举个手
Up Up 想个属于你自己的招牌动作
Up Up 甩个头 Up Up 扭一扭
Hey Come On Everybody 他的目光会被你掌握
暂停一秒钟 想到了没有没什么对错只要切记千万别做错
一旦找到自我 看一眼就会记得 随波逐流可不会快乐
Up Up 抬起头 Up Up 举个手
Up Up 想个属于你自己的招牌动作
Up Up 甩个头 Up Up 扭一扭
Hey Come On Everybody 他的目光会被你掌握
Hey 不会错 最炫的那个动作
不会错 没有人和你会相同
weird song. but i kinda like it. haha
Posted by melvin at 5:31 PM
Friday, December 03, 2004
boring day again... slacking at home. muscle aching and hands bruised. pain rocks.
我真的没有天份, 安静的没这么快... 我会学着放弃你, 是因为我太爱你...
Posted by melvin at 9:21 PM
pain pain
still sufferring the aftereffects of vball... pain pain... bruising is quite evident. ouch. but i like the pain... think its some perverted part of me. saddistic bastard... haha
Posted by melvin at 11:37 AM
Thursday, December 02, 2004
beach volleyball
sentosa today with jianwei, jj, ling wei, wei hao, wei xiang, jian long and zi kiang. was quite fun playing vball then go down to water... made a few obscene stuff with the sand. burying wei xiang haha... then play soccer. kena challenge by ppl and we lost but still put up a good fight... after that was some rest time before going down to the water again... then after that come up for the last few matches of vball. hands all red. sufferring the effects now... blue blacks and all. but was fun... haha.....then come home. when queing for the monorail saw this damn sweet looking jap girl. haiz. lol..... i dun tink words can do justice here. hahaha.... so i will not say much.... lol... but eyes quite big, like hers. haha... then come home for dinner! so hungry... now quite tired. lucky nt sunburnt. no pain muahaaahaha. only a bit red.....
Posted by melvin at 10:59 PM