Wednesday, October 27, 2004
today is the start of exams... pia to the max! here's to hoping to don't retake any modules.
Posted by melvin at 9:32 AM
Sunday, October 24, 2004
Quote of the day: Basketball is good for you.
Posted by melvin at 2:12 PM
Friday, October 22, 2004
well, after a few days things seem to be better already... lets see what happens today later.
Posted by melvin at 8:25 AM
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
all right. today heard some stuff said about me from others. but thats okay... as long as you change. doesn't really matter. i'm not one to keep grudges, so its cool. just come and talk to me if you don't like me in any area and i will happy to assist you. just don't bear grudges against others
Posted by melvin at 6:30 PM
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
some confrontation today in french class... ended up the person in question just skipped everything for the rest of the day. making a scene infront of the other classes, throwing our faces. imagine a guy challenging a girl to a fight... not exactly the picture of a perfect gentleman, or at least a man.
silent scope rocks
song of the day: Mayday Wu Yue Tian - Wen Rou
Posted by melvin at 6:41 PM
Monday, October 18, 2004
inorganic chemistry totally screwed my ass =
recieved a testimonial today. =D
-the end-
Posted by melvin at 9:34 PM
some stuff which aren't meant to be said, were said. try not to diss other people too much... they got their own opinions as well a view on how they should live their life.
Posted by melvin at 9:32 PM
Sunday, October 17, 2004
im starting to feel edgy. tomorrow inorg prac exam and ive not gotten past the 1st chapter. shit.
Posted by melvin at 8:20 PM
been lazy and not updating... muahahah. john and ting ting's was a nice 1... with lotsa red wine. haha... nothing much to say.
don't want to fail my exams. but im still slacking. wth
Posted by melvin at 5:37 PM
Thursday, October 14, 2004
badminton is fun. trains wrist power for better shots in basketball.
*can't get you out of my head*
Posted by melvin at 10:57 PM
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
The previous 3 posts are courtesy of ET's and Char's blogs... Feel free to check theirs out too. cheers mate. -end-
Posted by melvin at 8:40 PM

You are the color pink. As a beautiful and sweet
human, you are everybody's favorite person.
Healthy and energetic, you're often seen
spreading the happines. As an unusually
charming and sweet person, you're always ready
to comfort people who are down. You sympathize
with everyone, but not always yourself. Aside
from that, you are light-hearted and cheery.
And you make it your duty to make every cloud
What color are you? (Amazingly detailed & accurate--with pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
Posted by melvin at 8:36 PM

You represent... anger.Mad at the world, eh? You have a tendency to...
freak out easily. Overly emotional about
everything, you're most prone to bouts of
cruelty and moodiness. Other people may be
afraid of the fact that you explode so easily,
but at least you're honest... even if you're
honest about not liking anything.
What feeling do you represent? brought to you by Quizilla
Posted by melvin at 8:35 PM

You're the smirk,a frown-smile hybrid that's a
little bit cocky and usually associated with
evil or arrogant,but attractive people.You
probably just don't give a damn,but it's
everyone else's fault if you don't because
you're too awesome to have any real faults.
What Kind of Smile are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Posted by melvin at 8:30 PM
Harry's got a damn nice house. and a nice dog to boot. his house rocks! haha. *escaping reality* -end-
Posted by melvin at 8:26 PM
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
another day passes without you... -end-
Posted by melvin at 4:34 PM
Sunday, October 10, 2004
don't want to but i will give up... dunno if ur going to be happy about this... somebody save me from my tears. -end-
Posted by melvin at 9:45 PM
Friday, October 08, 2004
slacky day again... maths came late(again)... after that ate some grass. damn budgeeet... then went for 2 hrs of maths lecture. listen to mp3 and shade boxes... break. then microA lecture. not a bad lecture... got some juicy stuff inside too. haha... jay's cool. then got elective... on fitness and exercise... quite informational. then after that went back to sembawang... den saw ken. went to northpoint walk ard, talk crap and see phones. after that had dinner with family then come home liao... zzz... damn tired. dont feel like thinking... -end-
Posted by melvin at 10:57 PM
Thursday, October 07, 2004
played badminton today at the sports hall... from 10-1pm. half way went to play some bball then come back again... quite fun actually. now forearm cramping... after that went to bathe and eat at north canteen. found out that the locker cant be used... kena cheated. got to bring ball to the newater plant... so ma fan. the thing was quite boring also... quite tired from the sports in the morning... but then wen we about to leave palvin found that she lost her phone. call but it was off... so we did a search for our class. nothing turned up... so had to search the other class too. kena asked to go check their bags... but also found nothing. even checked shoes... i tink the guy must have ditched it already... if it was 1 of them. reach school, then from there go to PS to eat swensons. omg man. cash all fly away like that. poof... gone. how? how? going to be peniless again... and still haven msg her... dunno how shes doing for exams... hope she does well... -end-
Posted by melvin at 10:02 PM
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
went to watch new police story today... with like a whole bunch of ppl... 12 in all including me... quite a nice show... stunts and all... haha... nothing much to say about today... only went to movie because microA finished in like less than 1 hr... after that come back home and chiong inorg report... only managed to msg her in the afternoon. dunno if im irritating her... dunno wad to do... jus opened the bday card from her... but would she have sent it if i didnt giv her the present? im afriad that things will do downhill from here... if shes unhappy with me having strong feelings for her... then would me giving up make things happier for her? because i don't want to make her unhappy... then would going back to playing bball make it better? using it to make me forget like the last time... i dont know what to do -end-
Posted by melvin at 10:03 PM
Sunday, October 03, 2004
today went to toa payoh to meet Eve, Meixi and Alwyn to study... walk ard there no place to study. so go kahtib... the mac. did a bit of phy chem then sian liao... Ming Fui, Linus and Meikee joined us soon after... then i start to slack already... lol... after that we went to amk play pool... Alwyn didnt come with us because he had to watch some chinese show... ended up having quite a fun time... then it was my treat because of my bday and all... having fun together is the best thing. haha... but in the end had to leave early because called back by parents for dinner... ankle getting better... i tink by nxt week shld be able to play on the court already... jus spoke to her online... until msn got problem. what is this... at the most crucial time... got to sign in and out... cant sign in again... wth... so only can use sms... -end-
Posted by melvin at 9:33 PM
Saturday, October 02, 2004
today was quite an okay day i guess... ate dim sum at turf city for lunch with my mother's side relatives... 50% off all dim sum so guess was quite worth it. hee.. after that come back home... slack a while then went out to meet ET and Desmond at toa payoh... walk ard again but nothing much... in the end go amk, play some pool... 9 feet table. ive lost my touch... haha... lousy... no time to play i guess... but really... if not for those 2 guys would have a boring night at home... so thanks guys. managed to msg her a bit lol... when she said happy birthday was kinda happy too... haha... *high* lol... 17 yrs old today. -end-
Posted by melvin at 11:59 PM
happy birthday to me... =D
Posted by melvin at 10:31 AM
Friday, October 01, 2004
today was the celebrity bball thing in school... took part in it. but sprained my ankle earlier in the day.was crossing over to the stairs, then suddenly landed awkwardly on my right foot. jus kinda sat down suddenly to minimise damage... and Jay was like "you okay? that was some cool moves" i was like "ugh"... but can hobble around... was stationed to bring ppl to court side... didn't do much work actually. =D after the ushering then went up to watch the match... the girls screaming their heads off... typical. nyp sch team's play was not bad... flashy... and they "put water" a lot. was quite obvious... but they still won. thats good... haha.. after that we all had a small debrief then went to yishun to eat dinner. at about 930 we left the place... came home, took a bath.. then saw her online. so lucky... chat a while she had to go liao... but im happy she at least appreciates the gift... -end-
Posted by melvin at 10:49 PM